Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why our communities need broadband? WTF?

Rhonda Locklear of the Lumbee Tribe in North Carolina speaks about the urgency of broadband access for communities across the country at the FCC's "Digital Inclusion Summit" on March 9, 2010

OMG. . . .Is this lady part of the Lumbee or DUMBee Tribe? She actually thinks that a faster internet will save her community and Indian tribe. . . .With a straight face she emotionally request high speed internet because dial up kept her sons "at a severe disadvantage". I'm sure this gooooood mooootheeer's sons need high speed internet only for school reports and research. . . .no mention of myspace, facebook, gaming and listening to music.

Why wasn't this imbecile in Washington advocating on getting the textile mills re-opened and increasing jobs to save her community? After listening to your priorities lady. . . .Your son's have bigger problems than dial up internet.

The bigger issue here is that the FCC is having a "Digital Inclusion Summit" where internet providers will be subsidized by the government to provide high speed internet across the country. . . .In other words you the taxpayer will pay for it.

What's next? cable, 60" plasmas, iphones, DVR's, ipods, ipads, new laptops (why have high speed internet if you have a crappy computer. . . .right?)

When will the enabling end? Will high speed internet become a human right along with healthcare?


“Everyone must have equal opportunity in this digital age,” said Commissioner Michael Copps at the Digital Inclusion Summit. “It’s a civil right to have access.”


On the Need for Comprehensive Doorman Reform

According to Gregory of Yardale

Following up on the NYC Doorman's Strike, apparently catastrophe has been averted, and sophisticated New Yorkers will be spared the horrors of "sorting mail, screening visitors, hauling garbage out to the curb and operating elevators," --- things us idiot rubes in flyover country manage to do pretty well on our own.

William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection sees another opportunity to correct a social inequality here. Why do New Yorkers have doormen to do these menial tasks for them while the rest of America is forced to do it ourselves. By golly, we need Comprehensive Doorman Reform.

We could call such legislation The Apartment Protection and Affordable Door Person Act.

I see another advantage. Providing every American with a doorman would create jillions of jobs! We can write the law so that everyone over $250,000 a year is required to hire a doorman, and everyone else will have one provided by the Government. After all, if we're so rich we can afford to give everybody health care, everybody a college education, and have enough left over to bailout Wall Street and the unionized bureaucrats of New York, Illinois, and California... surely we can provide everyone in the USA with a doorman.

After all, according to the progressive left, a "right" is defined as "something someone else has that I want even if I haven't earned it," (e.g. health care coverage, tourism, same-sex marriage). Therefore, if enough people want personal doormen, it becomes a "right."

I'm going to name mine "Timmy."


One blogger wrote:

Since I am now entitled to a doorman. It is only logical that I be granted a maid, a chauffeur, a butler, personal security, groundskeepers, a chef, and other necessary support personnel. After all someone has them and if they have them I should have them, and at no cost to me. I am sure that the trolls will find some interview of some lib conducted by some other lib to support how the doorman is a needed profession.

Curious, is egressometrics a four year program or is it a technical certification?

I am sure doormen make sense (somehow? somewhere?) in a more vertical urban area, but in the rest of the country we have learned to operate our own doors.