Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jon Voight Slams Obama with the Truth. . . .

Ft. Hood Massacre. . . .

Remember the Muslim Fort Hood terrorist who shot and killed 13 people and wounded dozens of others on the military base? Not only has the MSM refused to call it a terrorist attack, they have now downgraded it to "workplace violence". . . . .


WTF? Was the muslim terrorist that flew planes into the WTC just disgruntled airline passengers? Political correctness will be the downfall of our great nation. . . . .


To read the article about this bs go to:
Some Obamunists want their mediocre Marxist messiah's face on the $1 bill. But this would be far more appropriate ~

Victory Against the Infidels. . . .

New plan for a decorative pinnacle atop the highest minaret of the Ground Zero Mosque ~ . . . . .


Victory against the Infidels. . . .allah akbar

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama's Mosque Stance: "Yes We Can, But Should We?"

Obama stands up for Ground Zero mosque. . . .

President Barack Obama on Friday endorsed a controversial plan to build a mosque and Islamic center just blocks from Ground Zero in Manhattan, despite the strong objections of conservatives, civic groups and those who lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks.

“Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground,” according to prepared remarks Obama was to deliver at a White House dinner celebrating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. “But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”

“This is America,” Obama said. . . . .


‎"Pelosi doesn't care who's paying for the mosque. She cares who's funding the opposition. This is soft tyranny." ~ Rush Limbaugh


Nancy Pelosi wants to investigate the opposition to the mosque near GZ. . . .Bring it on. . . .I'm willing an able to tell you what I think. . . .I will never forget the horrors of 9/11 when Americans were forced to jump to their deaths to avoid being burned alive and all the firefighters and Police that lost their lives that day at the hands of the muslim extremist. . . .As they were crashing the planes they were hollering allah akbar and now you will be hearing these blasphemous words shouted again from this so called "cultural center and mosque. . . .


U.S. stands with Iran, tells Israel to Chill. . . .

US: Iran's Nuclear Plant 'Safe,' But Weapon Could be a Year Away

According to David Lev at

Iran reiterated Saturday that an attack against its Busheher nuclear plant would be considered an “international crime,” now that it has become operational. Iran celebrated the loading of enriched uranium into the reactor for the first time Saturday.

President Obama’s top adviser on nuclear issues said 'We think that they have roughly a year dash time. A year is a very long period of time.'

Meanwhile, the United States sought to reassure Israel and other Middle Eastern countries, saying that it posed “no threat” to anyone's security. "We recognize that the Bushehr reactor is designed to provide civilian nuclear power and do not view it as a proliferation risk,” Darby Holladay of the U.S. State Department told news agencies. And in fact, he said, the U.S. welcomed Russia's involvement in Iran's nuclear program. Iran's reactor, he said, “is under IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguards and Russia is providing the needed fuel and taking back the spent nuclear fuel, which would be the principal source of proliferation concerns.”

However, while the threat is not immediate, Israel was not out of the woods – with Obama administration officials saying that Iran could, if it wanted to, develop nuclear weapons in about 12 months, perhaps a bit more. . . .


The U.S. is now basically standing with Iran and turning its back on Israel. America and the other nations of the world have allowed them to go nuclear knowing their leader has already threatened to destroy Israel.

Do you really think the Obama administration would back Israel if it attacks Iran's nuclear facility like it did Saddam's back in the 1980's? My answer is NO. We have already condemned Israel for protecting it homeland by inspecting the ships that want to enter its ports and for building the wall to keep out terrorist. 

This nuclear facility could have been stopped with little bloodshed, but the world will now see death and destruction like we haven't seen in decades if ever. It's a no-win situation for Israel, and could be the downfall of our own great nation.

America must remember when God referred to the Jewish people when he said to Abraham in Genesis 12:3:  "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

You should also sleep better tonite knowing that Russia is overseeing Iran's nuclear facility. . . .Wow I know I feel better already. . . .

Iran will soon be able to continue Hitler's mission to annihilate the Jews. Could this be the beginning of the Gog-Magog war that the prophet Ezekiel spoke about?


To read the full article go to:

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


ccording to

Angry White Dude didn’t make the trip to Phoenix last weekend for the Stand With Arizona event. From all accounts, it was a tremendous success. However, the SEIU and their La Raza thug friends made sure their bused-in trouble makers were present. It’s a good thing AWD wasn’t there. Watching illegal alien punks desecrate the American flag while standing illegally on American soil will get an illegal on the fighting side of AWD real fast.

So these are the people who risk their lives coming to America to become Americans? Instead of desecrating our flag, these illegal scum should fall to their knees and be grateful America is as weak as a whipped kitten! They should be thankful Americans have been wussified by decades of politically correct codes of appeasement! Because if they were from Central America and had illegally crossed into Mexico, they’d be beaten, robbed and raped…and in many cases be kidnapped until their families back home paid a ransom to the corrupt Mexican police and drug gangs.

It’s one thing to insult America from Mexico City. It’s quite another to do it on American soil while taunting taxpayers advocating the rule of law. I watched the entire Stand With Arizona event on streaming video. There was no hate speech from the speakers. No ridiculing of illegals. No disparaging remarks about a corrupt Mexico. No, the speakers simply called for the federal government to enforce the immigration laws itself has passed! Yet they were subjected to taunts and insults from a group of hard-core illegal leftist, racist, professional thugs paid by labor unions!

There’s a fire raging in the hearts of American patriots. It is a feeling of helplessness as our government forsakes Americans and protects illegal lawbreakers! America is becoming a tinderbox and a small spark may touch off something illegals, New Black Panthers nor Barack Hussein Obama want to experience.

Like Mick and Keith wrote so many years ago….”War children, it’s just a shot away.”

9/11 Victory Mosque Moves Forward. . . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Just as Americans have the iconic image of Marines and a sailor raising Old Glory on Iwo Jima, Muslims will soon have an "Islamic center" next to Ground Zero to symbolize and commemorate a historic victory.

The controversial Islamic center proposed to be built near the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks won a major victory today when a New York City board voted unanimously to allow the demolition of a building to make way for construction.

The city's Landmarks Preservation Commission's vote rejected the landmarking of a 19th century building with its Italian Renaissance Palazzo style that most recently served as a Burlington Coat Factory. That designation would have prevented its demolition and foiled plans to build a 13-story Islamic community center that includes a prayer room.

Having the Cordoba Victory Mosque right next to Ground Zero will help us remember September 11. It should be open soon, but just so no one forgets in the meantime, here's what the "Islamic center" will triumphantly memorialize:

NYC's appalling Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg has taken this opportunity to preen himself on the "religious tolerance" patriots correctly perceive as dhimmitude at its most contemptible. The city's omnipotent bureaucracy has a zillion means of stopping any project. They are letting the mosque go through because, incredibly, they want it there. They want America's face rubbed in the ashes of its dead while Muslim maniacs ululate in triumph.

The establishment media also takes Islam's side. CBS dismisses this 13-story tribute to terrorism as a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it mosque."

If you had told me on 9/11/2001, as I watched my fellow New Yorkers stagger northwards from Ground Zero covered in dust partially composed of other Americans who had just been murdered in the name of Islam, that city bureaucrats would approve this absolutely intolerable outrage, I would have moved away in disgust much sooner — unless my head had exploded on the spot.

It's impossible to believe that all New Yorkers are eager to lick the shoes of Islamofascists in the name of political correctness, but their liberal "representatives" certainly are.


I thought the chants after 9-11 was "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" It looks like the Libtards in NYC already have. . . .WTF?

Another Socialized Medicine Tale of Terror. . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Thanks to Comrade Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America, this will soon be a socialist utopia like Sweden. So be sure to have some thread on hand, in case you slice open your leg:

A 32-year-old took the needle into his hands when he tired of the wait at Sundsvall hospital in northern Sweden and sewed up the cut in his leg himself. The man was later reported to the police for his impromptu handiwork.

The charge: using hospital equipment without authorization.

Not only did the socialist Nanny State fail to help him despite the stratospheric taxes Swedes pay, it wants to punish him for attempting to help himself. There you have liberalism in a nutshell.


WTF? I am soooo screwed if I have to resort to stitching myself up. . . .Anyone that has ever seen my sewing skills would know what I'm talking about  :) :)

Monday, August 02, 2010

Backdoor Amnesty. . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Obama's agenda is so extreme and so obviously destructive that he can't even get the rest of it through a Congress controlled by leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. No matter — as the country lurches toward socialist dictatorship, Congress is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Cap & Trade is too obviously intended to send unemployment skyrocketing, so even after ramming it through the House, our liberal rulers gave up on getting it past the Senate, knowing that Obama can simply impose it through the malignant and unaccountable EPA.

Likewise, the amnesty Obama is counting on for reelection will be snuck in through the back door, just like the tens of millions of unskilled Third World peasants who will be exploited to overwhelm the will of American voters in exchange for welfare benefits — as a White House memo confirms:

With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration is considering using a back door to stop deporting many illegal immigrants — what a draft government memo said could be "a non-legislative version of amnesty."

The memo, addressed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas and written by four agency staffers, lists tools it says the administration has to "reduce the threat of removal" for many illegal immigrants who have run afoul of immigration authorities.

"In the absence of comprehensive immigration reform, USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to many individuals and groups by issuing new guidance and regulations, exercising discretion with regard to parole-in-place, deferred action and the issuance of Notices to Appear," the staffers wrote in the memo, which was obtained by Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican.

The memo suggests that in-depth discussions have occurred on how to keep many illegal immigrants in the country, which would be at least a temporary alternative to the proposals Democrats in Congress have made to legalize illegal immigrants.

America's answer to Vidkun Quisling is running the government. Norway survived Nazi occupation. Whether America will survive occupation by Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters is doubtful. Their goal is to "fundamentally transform" America by obliterating it — economically, politically, and demographically — so that there will be nothing left to liberate.


One blogger wrote:

We don't want "comprehensive immigration reform", we want to seal the border and stop being taken over by a Latino invasion. Period.

Anything less and We The People will have to implement "comprehensive government reform".

Even Cuba Recognizes Socialism Doesn't Work. . . .

According to Will Weissert at the AP:

Raul Castro said Sunday that his government will scale back controls on small businesses, lay off unnecessary workers and allow more self-employment — significant steps in a country where the state dominates nearly every facet of the economy. . . .


In America, Obama is destroying small businesses and 90% of all new jobs are with the government. . . .WTF is up with that?


Go to this website to read the full article:

Fort Hood gunman still earns $6,000 per month. . . .

According to Emily Friedman at abcnews:

The attorney for the man charged with last year's deadly shooting rampage at Texas' Fort Hood Army post says his client, who is still on the military's payroll, can't find a bank willing to cash his checks.

While Maj. Nidal Hasan sits in Bell County Jail in Belton, Texas, waiting for his next hearing in October, his lawyer, John Galligan, has been shopping around to banks trying to find a financial institution willing to take on his client as a customer.

"Various banks have refused, without any specificity, to permit Hasan to open a checking account where he can have his military pay deposited," Galligan told ABC News.

Hasan faces 13 counts of murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder stemming from the Nov. 5 shooting that fatally wounded 13 soldiers. If convicted, Hasan could face the death penalty.

Hasan still is receiving payment from the U.S. military because, according to a spokesman, he is still a service member .

"He is a major in the United States Army and will therefore be paid until he is no longer a major," said Lt. Col. Chris Garver. "So yes, he's still receiving payment."

According to Army records, Hasan stands to receive a check for about $6,000 every month. He is also eligible for what the Army calls an "incentive pay" that could be as much as $15,000 annually. Galligan declined to comment on how much Hasan is worth. . . .


I'm sure the families of his 13 murdered victims and the 30 wounded are glad to know their tax dollars are still paying this bast*d. I know it pisses me off. . . .


Go to this website to read the entire article:

UN Helmets On American Soldiers? WTF?

UN Helmets On American Soldiers?

According to BigFurHat at

That’s what Obama’s assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, Eric P. Schwartz, recommends.

My guess is that if he had his way the rifles would be bent back 180* facing the soldier. You have to start laughing to keep from strangling.


Schwartz also coordinated meetings on behalf of Obama’s transition team with a group that advocates placing more blue United Nations helmets on U.S. troops and coercing the U.S. to join the U.N.’s International Criminal Court, which could prosecute American citizens and soldiers for “war crimes” and other offenses.

Here’s the “American Patriot“, Schwartz.
(WTF is the flag doing in his picture?)
A 2009 report by Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival Inc, warned joining the International Criminal Court “could spark a revolt in the U.S. Armed Forces.”

In a separate posting, Kincaid wrote, “Schwartz and his associates are clearly laying the groundwork for the Obama Administration’s acceptance of and membership in the International Criminal Court.”


Are there any UN-Americans in this country that don't work for the Obama administration? I swear if Hitler were alive today he'd probably have a seat on Obama's staff and Mao would be his golf buddy. . . .WTF?


To read the rest of the story go to:

The Post-American World. . . .WTF?

The name of the book Obama is reading is called:

The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim.

"Post" America means the world After America !


Maybe we should all be reading:

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America by Pamela Geller
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America is the product of three years of research I've done on Barack Obama: his socialist internationalism, his ties to America-haters and anti-Semites, his race-baiting, and more. As president, Obama is presiding over America's decline, and is in many important ways the apostle of that decline. He is betraying Israel; warring against free speech; refusing to take real steps to stop Iran's nuclear program, despite the many genocidal statements Ahmadinejad has made against Israel, and the open contempt the mullahs have shown for his efforts to reach out to them.
Obama is turning allies into enemies and enemies into allies; submitting the U.S. to international law; bankrupting us with socialist schemes both domestically and internationally; bypassing the democratic process and the system of checks and balances by governing through a proliferation of "czars"; and using global warming as a pretext to redistribute wealth from the First World to the Third World.