Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Another Socialized Medicine Tale of Terror. . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Thanks to Comrade Obama's Fundamental Transformation of America, this will soon be a socialist utopia like Sweden. So be sure to have some thread on hand, in case you slice open your leg:

A 32-year-old took the needle into his hands when he tired of the wait at Sundsvall hospital in northern Sweden and sewed up the cut in his leg himself. The man was later reported to the police for his impromptu handiwork.

The charge: using hospital equipment without authorization.

Not only did the socialist Nanny State fail to help him despite the stratospheric taxes Swedes pay, it wants to punish him for attempting to help himself. There you have liberalism in a nutshell.


WTF? I am soooo screwed if I have to resort to stitching myself up. . . .Anyone that has ever seen my sewing skills would know what I'm talking about  :) :)