Sunday, May 31, 2009

A “Supreme Court” Justice with “Empathy*”?

A “Supreme Court” justice should be picked on the basis on how they interpret the United States Constitution. Our founding Fathers spent countless years creating a document that stands the test of time. It is not a “living, breathing document” as some have charged that needs to “change with the times”.

The Constitution can be amended, but you cannot have a Supreme Court Justice "making policy" or being an "activist" from the bench like Obama’s current pick for the United States Supreme Court. . . Judge Sonia Sotomayer.

One of her most infamous decisions is in the Ricci v. Destefano case and according to the Washington Wire: “Seventeen white and two Hispanic firefighters in New Haven, Conn., scored high enough on a test to win promotion, but the city threw out the results after finding that no black firefighters hit the threshold.”

What "empathy" was shown to the firefighters that had spent many hours studying for the exam? When they say Justice is blind shouldn't that also mean "color" blind?

A Supreme Court nominee should not be someone whose appeal court decisions have been overturned by the “Supreme Court” by over 60%.

Look at it this way. . . .Can you imagine going into your bosses office at your annual review and the boss tells you that you have only done a satisfactory job 40% of the time. Now would you be expecting a bonus much less a lifelong promotion? That is exactly what is happening with Sotomayor.

A Woman and a Hispanic. . . .I know the Republicans won’t touch this one with a 10 foot pole and will approve her nomination. I don’t think Justice Clarence Thomas got any “empathy” from the Democrats during his confirmation hearings.

If Obama continues to use "empathy" with the enemies of the United States (Al-Qaeda, North Korea, Iran, etc.) it is going to cost the lives of innocent Americans in the future.

This Texas girl says Sotomayer is "not fit to sit"

*Empathy: noun. . . understanding and entering into another’s feelings.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The American Flag is Offensive?

For Memorial Day, Debbie McLucas (who has a daughter serving in Iraq) works for Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, Texas. Last week she displayed a 3' x 5' American flag in her office area. A very patriotic thing to do right? Wrong. . . . She was told to take it down. . . . Not because of the size, but because one of her co-workers found it offensive. OFFENSIVE? Which co-worker? An immigrant from Africa that has been here for only 14 years. (maybe it’s time to check the status of her green card)

To the co-worker and others. . . .IF THE AMERICAN FLAG IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU and you don't love the stars and stripes then get the HELL out of my country. . . .

What is our country coming to when you can't freely display the American flag and Obama's pick for the Supreme Court is a member of "LA RAZA" (The Race). . . . You know the group that wants Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California to go back to Mexico. . . . .I'm sure she will show real justice concerning the border and immigration issues our nation is facing.

America is still the greatest nation on earth. . . .We will Survive and be Prosperous. . . . MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA. . . . .

Update: After such outrage by the public Ms. McLucas was informed she could go ahead and display her flag.

Friday, May 29, 2009

HOA picks fight with disabled Vet. . . .

I know some of you are members of a Home Owners Association "HOA" and as a former member of one myself, I gotta tell you there are some crazies that run these associations.

We have all heard about the incidents about proud American homeowners being fined by their HOA for wanting to fly the American Flag on their own property (flag too large, pole to tall, etc) and the incident in Frisco where a man wasn't allowed to park his new Ford F-150 pickup in his driveway, because his HOA has a rule that prohibits pickups in the driveway. (Even though they did allow Honda Ridgelines, Lincoln Mark LT, etc.)

The HOA outrage of the week involves a disabled vet in Dallas who is being threaten to have his SUV towed because he has seven decals on his vehicle supporting the Marine Corps. "The board says the decals are advertisements that violate HOA rules, and must be covered or removed". In the video they actually show other vehicles in the same parking lot that have decals that support Obama and "find a cure" ribbons, etc.

I can understand an HOA having rules against painting your house bright red or parking an 18 wheeler on the street, but when they micro-manage down to the decal you display on your vehicle now that is just downright Un-American.

Note to the “Woodlands II on the Creek” HOA board members: We all chose which battles we are willing to fight. With all the crime and injustices going on in the world what could possibly be in your agenda to decide to do battle with a disabled Marine over car decals. A word of advice "You don't mess with Texas", but you sure as heck don't mess with a Marine. . . . .OORAH. . . .

Government controlled. . . .

Government controlled Healthcare — with the Efficiency of the Post Office and the Compassion of the IRS. . . . author unknown

Government controlled "GM" changes from "General Motors" to "Government Motors"

Check out the new GM Logos. . . . .

. . . . and my favorite. . . .

Which of these President's do you feel did the best Job?

Well. . . .I guess I probably angered some of my Liberal Facebook friends with my response to the question below. . . . .oh well the "TRUTH" hurts sometimes. . . .

The question was: Which of these President's do you feel did the best Job? The choices were Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon. . . . . (wonder why Richard Nixon was a choice?)

Of course I chose Ronald Reagan but then I added this comment:

If we survive 4 years of OBAMA. . . . Jimmy Carter's gas lines, unemployment, inflation and interest rates of 18% will start to look good. . . .I loved Reagan, but he should have never granted amnesty to all the illegal’s without securing the borders first. George W. Bush kept us safe since 9/11 and all the financial fiasco that occurred under his watch was due to the democrats in congress not wanting to rein in their buddies at Fannie & Freddie, Goldman Sachs, etc. By the way many of them are now in Obama’s cabinet. No matter who is our President. . . .America is still the greatest nation on earth. . . .We will survive and be prosperous. . . . MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA. . . . .

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day 2009 !

May God continue to Bless You and Our Great Nation ! ! ! !

In Loving Memory of my Fallen American Heroes (friends and family): Andy Swancey (KIA), Monroe Swancey, Jerry Burgess, Walter Goodwin, OD Stone, Sr., Buck Burgess, Bush Burgess, Dan Gomez and Danny Gomez, Jr.

Family Members that have served or are currently active: James Goodwin, Sr, James Goodwin, Jr., Walter Keith Goodwin, Dewayne Stone, Charlie Stone, David Ames, David Ames, Jr., JC Ames, Jackie Ames, Bobby Barker, Mel Burgess and Rooster.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Drill Here. . . . Drill Now. . . .

Obama announced yesterday that by 2016 the new fuel standards for cars and trucks is 35 mpg. The only way this is even possible is for all of us to be driving the little "smart" car. (of course this won't include the politicians and the rich) I think the cars are cute, but when you figure in safety "what the hell are they thinking" We will be sacrificing lives, for fuel. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that a plastic car isn't as safe as an SUV, Humvee or Pickup truck. When I look at these cars I expect to see little feet underneath like on the Flintstones.

Future. . . .2016: We all have purchased these "smart" cars and cut our gas consumption to less than half of what we were spending in 2009. We are no longer totally dependent on foreign oil and we have a lot more money in our pockets. Highway fatalities are up, but the smog is clearing in LA. . . .All is good in the world.

Reality: You think the government will be happy losing all this fuel tax revenue? Where will the money come from to repair roads and highways if we are not paying massive amounts of fuel taxes? This is already happening in California and they want to start taxing cars by the number of miles driven. They want to put a special meter on your car and on the pump and it will actually charge you more if you happen to have driven your miles during rush hour. So no matter what WE CANNOT WIN. . . . .

In the Movie "Class Action" with Gene Hackman, the bean counters determined it was cheaper to pay out money in lawsuits for injuries and deaths than to recall and fix the defective parts on cars" Are the bean counters in Washington doing the same thing? Are they willing to sacrifice American lives to please the global warming kooks?

The United States has enough oil on our lands and in our oceans so I say. . . .DRILL HERE . . . DRILL NOW

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to me. . . .Happy Birthday to me. . . .

God has allowed me to see the other side of 50. . . .and its looking pretty good so far. . . .

Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Jack Benny

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Congratulations Seniors ! !

Congratulations Ashley and Dustin. . . . .

I am so proud of both of you. . . . .

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. ~Les Brown

Israel oh Israel. . . .

Israel may be ready to back two-state solution. . . . JERUSALEM (AP)

My Dear Israel: When will you ever learn that no matter how much land you give up or appeasement you do - you will not satisfy the thirst for your blood from the Palestinians and other Muslims that seek to destroy you. . . . .

"And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them." Numbers 6:27

ושמו את שמי על בני ישראל ואני אברכם׃


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. . . .

THEY CAME FIRST for the Communist,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionist,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist

THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
And I didn’t speak because I was a Protestant

And by that time no one was left to speak up

poem by Pastor Martin Niemoeller of Nazi Germany. . . .

Well . . . . .

Look what is happening in our Great Country today. . . .


THEY CAME FIRST for the banks, then the auto industry, now the insurance companies. . . .When is the government going to takeover your company? When they think your CEO makes to much money or they think they can run it better? Or, It's not "green" enough. . . . .


THEY CAME FIRST for the ammunition, so that they can avoid any issues concerning the 2nd amendment for your right to keep and bear arms. . . .

Social Issues: (sin taxes)

THEY CAME FIRST for the smokers. Smokers are now responsible for 99% of all the children's health care in this country and guess what is going to happen when they tax us out of being able to smoke?

Smoker's have been ridiculed for years for standing in little huddled masses outside in the cold of winter trying to take a puff. . . . .I guess in the near future you will see new groups of people trying to sneak in that candy bar, or drink that soda that the government has deemed "unhealthy" and as I stand outside with them and people walk by with their noses in the air I will be laughing to myself and thinking. . . .

. . . . they are coming for you next

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Go Mavericks !!!!

Go Mavs. . . . Beat Denver
Game #5 Wednesday Night

update: Better Luck Next Year Mavs

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day 2009 !!!!

To my Momma - I am so blessed to have you as my Mom, and humbled that God chose me to be your daughter. You have stood beside me through the many trials and triumphs in my life, and have been there for me if I ever needed a shoulder to cry on or just someone to laugh at my silliness. We have celebrated the births of my babies and mourned your parents deaths. Together we have witnessed the cycle of life with both joy and sadness, and have been there for each other. Every year I look more and more like you, which is fine by me, because on the inside and out you are BEAUTIFUL.

P.S. Have you ever forgiven me for swimming off and leaving you snorkeling when those giant fish showed up in the Bahamas?

To Brandee and Jon-Jon - I am so proud to be your Momma. You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. I know you will both be able to reach your goals and succeed in life and I am proud that I had a part of that. Brandee I know you will be a great sportscaster and Jon-Jon, as a fireman you will be someone's hero like you have always been mine. We have countless memories together, and may God bless us with many, many more. I Love you both unconditionally, and I pray that I will always be the Momma that you are proud of.

To other Mothers - If you didn't have a Momma like mine and God has blessed you with children, start today trying to be that special Mom to your kids, because in the blink of an eye they will be grown and they will need those special memories that you have created to make them feel unique and special.

Happy 19th Birthday Alex ! ! ! !

I wish you a Happy 19th Birthday and look forward to going to Joe's Crabshack today to Celebrate with you.

"May the best day of your past be the worst of your future" author unknown

Friday, May 08, 2009

National Day of Prayer. . . .

May 7th is National Day of Prayer. . . . May God continue to BLESS my family, friends and country.

Say a special prayer today for our Soldiers who are defending our Great Nation.

update: It's a shame "our" President didn't participate

Thursday, May 07, 2009

First comes Love, then Gay Marriage. . . . .

All of you that supported gay marriage and figured it was wrong to deny any two people that love each other the right to be married are now getting what you asked for. I knew at the time it would not stop with gay marriage. The latest group that is wanting their right to wed is a group for "Triad" marriage.

In the it states: First came traditional marriage. Then, gay marriage. Now, there's a movement combining both—simultaneously. Abby Ellin visits the next frontier of nuptials: the "triad."

“I want to walk down the street hand in hand in hand in hand and live together openly and proclaim our relationship,” says Sasha Lessin. “But also to have all those survivor and visitation rights and tax breaks and everything like that.”

How can this group now be denied? Our future will include marriages of polygamy, incest and bestiality . A real Sodom and Gomorrah* society has now been created.

Just like anything else it starts out small and grows. Abortion went from being legal within the 1st trimester and now partial-birth abortion is accepted up til the mother goes into labor.

Lord, have mercy on this great Nation. . . . .

*Read Genesis chapters 18-19 to understand the background story of Sodom and Gomorrah where God destroyed it due to all the grievous sin and perversion.

Torture Debate Solved. . . .

Real Torture is listening to all the debate about Torture.

Here's what I don't understand about the torture debate. . . .The CIA can't drip a little water over a terriorist head or make them uncomfortable in any way, even if they can get information that could save American's lives. . . . But the US Military can shoot them dead on the battlefield. So. . . . SHOOT THEM DEAD ON THE BATTLEFIELD. . . .End of Debate (No more need for Gitmo either)

Let me tell you right now, if anyone is threatening my family they will not get the Geneva Convention treatment. They will learn that the 2nd amendment is alive and well in Texas. (Which also includes a baseball bat, knife or anything else I can get my hands on)

Then to quote Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind "Well I guess I've done murder. Well I won't think about this now. I'll think about it tomorrow." . . . .

When did the right to “Free Speech” become you must speak the “Right Speech”?

I find it really troubling to see that Michael Savage (#3 rated Radio talk show in America) has been banned from entering into the UK.

Michael Savage of the “Savage Nation” had not even requested to go to the UK. So why did some Socialist there named Home Secretary Jacqui Smith decide to put him on a banned list of only 16 worldwide who would not be welcome in the UK? He was branded as an extremist and blacklisted from visiting the country, because she does not agree with what he has to say. I have listened to Michael Savage for years and he has NEVER provoked violence against anyone, he just makes it perfectly clear where he stands on our borders, language and culture.

Michael Savage stated 'She said this is the kind of behavior we won't tolerate? “For her to link me up with skinheads who are killing people in Russia,” he ranted, “to put me in league with mass murderers who kill Jews on buses, is defamation

Last week Lord Monckton from Britain was banned by the US Congress where he was to refute the claims of Al Gore on Global Warming. The Democrats canceled his appearance. Monckton gave his account to "The Savage Nation" and explained why Al Gore and other "alarmists" are wrong about "global warming." Was he banned because his speech differed from what the global warming cheerleaders in Congress wanted to hear?

This may be happening in the UK today, but beware its already arrived across the pond in the USA.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Happy Birthday ! ! ! !

Happy Birthday to my dear sweet cousin Marilyn. You are still ahead of me, but I'm slowly catching up :) :) May God bless you with many, many more.

Swine Flu Hype?

Help me understand all the hype about the Swine Flu. Yes, a couple hundred people have been confirmed dead in Mexico, (RIP) but what I have heard over and over this week is that 30,000 Americans die of the normal everday kind of flu everyear. WHAT? Why does this not get the attention it deserves. 30,000 of our fellow Americans die of the flu each year. Where is the CDC (Center for Diesease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) when an outbreak is affecting Americans, but is considered a pandemic when the H1N1 (swine flu) kills a couple hundred in Mexico. Maybe that just proves the argument against "Socialized Medicine"

There has been a massive recall of Hydroxycut this week due to one death and 23 people having adverse reactions affecting their liver. Each life is precious but out of 350 million Americans the odds are extremely low for it affecting you. Maybe there were other factors in these people's lives that affected their liver. Remember a few years ago Ephedrine was taken off the market in the hot summer due to some people exercising outside, including a professional athlete that overheated and died. Well I took it and lost over 50 pounds in 2003 and wasn't adversly affected, but since the recall I haven't been able to lose a pound. . . .

This Little Piggy went to. . . .well maybe not

LA Times reports today "Cruise lines rile passengers, tourism officials by avoiding Mexican ports"

Let me get this straight, people are "riled" because the cruise lines are avoiding Mexico? Who in their right mind would want to go anywhere near Mexico and then get on a ship with a couple thousand people in crowded conditions. The cruise lines are offering refunds if your ship hasn't sailed yet and re-routing the ships and offering discounts to passengers that have already left port.

I can understand the disappointment to go to Catalina Island instead of Cancun or Cozumel, but can you imagine how this lawsuit happy society would react if Royal Caribbean, Carnival, etc. pulled into the port of LA with two thousand sick passengers. This reminds me of when the hurricanes in 2008 were in the Atlantic and the ships went to Rhode Island instead of the Bahamas. The passengers were threatening mutiny. I have been on enough cruises to understand that if there is an outbreak of Ebola in Jamaica not to complain if we end up in New Orleans.

Why do our government officials keep saying, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the spread of the Swine flu. . . .Well this Texas girl says. . . .Close the borders NOW.,0,7003056.story

Saturday, May 02, 2009

If you don't like the weather in Texas. . . .

Like the old saying "If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 5 minutes and it'll change" well the stormed has now passed.

Rainy Night in Texas

What a great way to start off my blog. . . . .while I was creating it a horrible thunder/lightening storm decided to come through Mesquite, Texas. It rained so hard in just a few minutes that our pool level started raising immediately, and it looked like it was going to start overflowing. I had to risk my life and go out to hook up the hose to start draining off some water. I was so scared and started praying "the Lord is my Shepherd. . . .", because I just knew I was going to be struck by a bolt of lightening. I am not like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump where he just begged God to bring it on. . . . .I almost saved the day, but our garage (which is made into a den) flooded about half way, so Keith will have to deal with that when he gets home.

Jon-Jon is out in this mess parking cars at a Valet service in North Dallas (he'll probably be really busy since no one will want to park their own car in this downpour), and Brandee is working her shift at Dodie's in Rockwall. I sure hope she didn't have to serve on the patio tonite. What a night for Keith's company to have a "get-together" and leave me in charge at home. Mom and Pop had to move their 5th wheel in up-state Oklahoma, because Kaw lake where they are gate attendants has flooded.

Pray for the Rookies and Staff of the Dallas Cowboys, because their training tent in Valley Ranch collapsed. Many are injured and I don't know their status at this point.