Friday, May 29, 2009

Which of these President's do you feel did the best Job?

Well. . . .I guess I probably angered some of my Liberal Facebook friends with my response to the question below. . . . .oh well the "TRUTH" hurts sometimes. . . .

The question was: Which of these President's do you feel did the best Job? The choices were Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon. . . . . (wonder why Richard Nixon was a choice?)

Of course I chose Ronald Reagan but then I added this comment:

If we survive 4 years of OBAMA. . . . Jimmy Carter's gas lines, unemployment, inflation and interest rates of 18% will start to look good. . . .I loved Reagan, but he should have never granted amnesty to all the illegal’s without securing the borders first. George W. Bush kept us safe since 9/11 and all the financial fiasco that occurred under his watch was due to the democrats in congress not wanting to rein in their buddies at Fannie & Freddie, Goldman Sachs, etc. By the way many of them are now in Obama’s cabinet. No matter who is our President. . . .America is still the greatest nation on earth. . . .We will survive and be prosperous. . . . MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA. . . . .