Sunday, May 31, 2009

A “Supreme Court” Justice with “Empathy*”?

A “Supreme Court” justice should be picked on the basis on how they interpret the United States Constitution. Our founding Fathers spent countless years creating a document that stands the test of time. It is not a “living, breathing document” as some have charged that needs to “change with the times”.

The Constitution can be amended, but you cannot have a Supreme Court Justice "making policy" or being an "activist" from the bench like Obama’s current pick for the United States Supreme Court. . . Judge Sonia Sotomayer.

One of her most infamous decisions is in the Ricci v. Destefano case and according to the Washington Wire: “Seventeen white and two Hispanic firefighters in New Haven, Conn., scored high enough on a test to win promotion, but the city threw out the results after finding that no black firefighters hit the threshold.”

What "empathy" was shown to the firefighters that had spent many hours studying for the exam? When they say Justice is blind shouldn't that also mean "color" blind?

A Supreme Court nominee should not be someone whose appeal court decisions have been overturned by the “Supreme Court” by over 60%.

Look at it this way. . . .Can you imagine going into your bosses office at your annual review and the boss tells you that you have only done a satisfactory job 40% of the time. Now would you be expecting a bonus much less a lifelong promotion? That is exactly what is happening with Sotomayor.

A Woman and a Hispanic. . . .I know the Republicans won’t touch this one with a 10 foot pole and will approve her nomination. I don’t think Justice Clarence Thomas got any “empathy” from the Democrats during his confirmation hearings.

If Obama continues to use "empathy" with the enemies of the United States (Al-Qaeda, North Korea, Iran, etc.) it is going to cost the lives of innocent Americans in the future.

This Texas girl says Sotomayer is "not fit to sit"

*Empathy: noun. . . understanding and entering into another’s feelings.