Saturday, May 30, 2009

The American Flag is Offensive?

For Memorial Day, Debbie McLucas (who has a daughter serving in Iraq) works for Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, Texas. Last week she displayed a 3' x 5' American flag in her office area. A very patriotic thing to do right? Wrong. . . . She was told to take it down. . . . Not because of the size, but because one of her co-workers found it offensive. OFFENSIVE? Which co-worker? An immigrant from Africa that has been here for only 14 years. (maybe it’s time to check the status of her green card)

To the co-worker and others. . . .IF THE AMERICAN FLAG IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU and you don't love the stars and stripes then get the HELL out of my country. . . .

What is our country coming to when you can't freely display the American flag and Obama's pick for the Supreme Court is a member of "LA RAZA" (The Race). . . . You know the group that wants Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California to go back to Mexico. . . . .I'm sure she will show real justice concerning the border and immigration issues our nation is facing.

America is still the greatest nation on earth. . . .We will Survive and be Prosperous. . . . MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA. . . . .

Update: After such outrage by the public Ms. McLucas was informed she could go ahead and display her flag.