Tuesday, February 03, 2009

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. -- Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams will undergo heart surgery later this week in the United States.

Deputy premier Kathy Dunderdale confirmed the treatment at a news conference Tuesday, but would not reveal the location of the operation or how it would be paid for.

"He has gone to a renowned expert in the procedure that he needs to have done," said Ms. Dunderdale, who will become acting premier while Mr. Williams is away for three to 12 weeks.
"In consultation with his own doctors, he's decided to go that route."

Mr. Williams' decision to leave Canada for the surgery has raised eyebrows over his apparent shunning of Canada's health-care system.

"It was never an option offered to him to have this procedure done in this province," said Ms. Dunderdale, refusing to answer whether the procedure could be done elsewhere in Canada.


This Canadian Premier is such a hypocrite. . . .He expects his people to use Canada's useless healthcare system, but because he don't want to wait-in-line or die without treatment. . . .He comes to America. . . .The rich and poor from around the world have always come to America to get medical treatment. . . .Why? Because we have the best doctors, best treatment and the best hospitals. Where will these fatcats go if congress passes Obamacare? Let's just pray that never happens. . . .

