Thursday, May 07, 2009

When did the right to “Free Speech” become you must speak the “Right Speech”?

I find it really troubling to see that Michael Savage (#3 rated Radio talk show in America) has been banned from entering into the UK.

Michael Savage of the “Savage Nation” had not even requested to go to the UK. So why did some Socialist there named Home Secretary Jacqui Smith decide to put him on a banned list of only 16 worldwide who would not be welcome in the UK? He was branded as an extremist and blacklisted from visiting the country, because she does not agree with what he has to say. I have listened to Michael Savage for years and he has NEVER provoked violence against anyone, he just makes it perfectly clear where he stands on our borders, language and culture.

Michael Savage stated 'She said this is the kind of behavior we won't tolerate? “For her to link me up with skinheads who are killing people in Russia,” he ranted, “to put me in league with mass murderers who kill Jews on buses, is defamation

Last week Lord Monckton from Britain was banned by the US Congress where he was to refute the claims of Al Gore on Global Warming. The Democrats canceled his appearance. Monckton gave his account to "The Savage Nation" and explained why Al Gore and other "alarmists" are wrong about "global warming." Was he banned because his speech differed from what the global warming cheerleaders in Congress wanted to hear?

This may be happening in the UK today, but beware its already arrived across the pond in the USA.