Thursday, April 29, 2010

Regime SWAT Teams Sent to Gulf. . . WTF?

. . . .RUSH: Now, here's the regime kicking into action here on the Gulf oil well or the rig explosion, President Obama mere moments ago in the Rose Garden before presenting the teacher of the year award.

OBAMA: I do want to speak briefly to the American people about the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Earlier today DHS Secretary Napolitano announced that this incident is of national significance and the Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs and I have ordered the secretaries of interior and Homeland Security as well as administrator Lisa Jackson of the Environmental Protection Agency to visit the site on Friday to ensure that BP and the entire US government is doing everything possible not just to respond to this incident but also to determine its cause.

RUSH: Wow. All right, so SWAT teams, we're sending big sis down there, Janet Napolitano, to look at all the valves and stuff, make sure they're properly greased. He-he-he-he. Ahem. And Lisa Jackson is doing the same thing. So obviously the regime is open to the idea that this is not an accident. The regime is open to the possibility that this could well have been on purpose. Don't forget, the original Earth Day, 40 years ago, was inspired by the river in Cleveland catching fire. Forty years later, the day before Earth Day this year, the Gulf is on fire. Coincidence? Jury's still out. The regime is on the case, soon to tell us what happened.

RUSH: I want to get back to the timing of the blowing up, the explosion out there in the Gulf of Mexico of this oil rig. Since they're sending SWAT teams down there now this changes the whole perspective of this. Now, lest we forget, ladies and gentlemen, the carbon tax bill, cap and trade that was scheduled to be announced on Earth Day. I remember that. And then it was postponed for a couple of days later after Earth Day, and then of course immigration has now moved in front of it. But this bill, the cap-and-trade bill, was strongly criticized by hardcore environmentalist wackos because it supposedly allowed more offshore drilling and nuclear plants, nuclear plant investment. So, since they're sending SWAT teams down there, folks, since they're sending SWAT teams to inspect the other rigs, what better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig? I'm just noting the timing here.

From The Hill, about the Senate bill: "Sierra Club chief Michael Brune told The Hill’s E2 Wire: 'We will go to the mat for defending Clean Air Act authority.' Brune also pointed to another potential stumbling block: offshore drilling. 'We will not be able to accept the dramatic giveaway that offshore oil drilling represents,' he said." The five hurdles the climate bill must clear, and one of them is offshore drilling. That's in . . .


According to Stephen Power and Guy Chanzan at the

. . . .The government called in the Navy to help contain the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as administration officials said Thursday the disaster could prompt President Barack Obama to rethink his plan to allow expanded offshore oil and gas drilling. . . . .

. . . .Asked whether the spill could prompt calls for a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, he said: "I'm certain some people are thinking that might be necessary."

Such a move would pinch global oil supplies. It would also be a blow to BP, the largest oil producer in the Gulf, with output of more than 400,000 barrels a day. BP has been a driving force behind exploration in the deepwater part of the Gulf and has made several huge oil finds there in recent years. . . . .


Could the oil rig explosion be eco-terrorism and the government is attempting to cover it up? Why are they sending SWAT teams which is a police enforcement unit to inspect oil rigs in the gulf? I've never heard of a SWAT team being sent to a crashed airliner. . . .They always sent avaition experts. BTW why did it take 8 full days for Obama to take direct action on the oil leak in the Gulf? Couldn't they have started several days ago to retain the spill and start burning it off? Will this explosion stop all the drill here drill now and decrease our oil supply, which will cause gas prices to skyrocket.


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