Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Praises “Positive Sides” of the Tea Party. . . .WTF?

According to

Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Praises “Positive Sides” of the Tea Party … Guess they Don’t Amuse Turbo Tax Tim

And now for something completely different … These people will say anything … THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WAS FOR THE TEA PARTY AFTER THEY WERE OPPOSED TO THEM!

Obama Treasury Secretary Turbo Tax Tim Geithner praises the positive sides of the Tea Party. Priceless, Geithner suggests that The Tea Party movement’s concern with deficit spending and an out of control and record deficits under Obama could align the group with the administration in the future. What, Obama fiscally responsible, now that’s PRICELESS.

This makes as much sense as Bill Clinton claiming expertise in marital fidelity, Obama’s discretion in choosing friends and pastors, Nancy Pelosi’s (choices) in plastic surgeons…..

Then again, the head of the IRS wasn’t quite bright enough to navigate ‘Turbo Tax’ software, so who knows?

We go from Obama mocking the Tea Party to Geithner praising them. Talk about good cop, bad cop … or is it just typical BS! Looks like some damage control for Obama’s ill advised comments the other day.