Monday, April 19, 2010

His Awesomeness Wants Thanks from Tea Partiers. . . .

According to The MaryHunter at

Chairman Zero loves himself so much that he feels the Tea Partiers should love him too - or at least be grateful.

President Obama on Thursday said he was "amused" by the tax day protests going on around the country to commemorate the IRS deadline for tax returns, and said the Tea Party movement's protests of his policies were misguided.

"You would think they would be saying 'thank you.' That's what you'd think," Obama said, speaking to about 1,000 Democratic donors in Miami, at a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee.

Obama cited tax cuts in the $787 billion stimulus plan of a year ago as one reason that Americans who think taxes are too high should be grateful to him.

Listen up, Dear Leader: The Tea Party movement IS grateful to you. Single-handedly, you have so awakened mainstream America to the horrors of the progressive agenda (in the form of Obamunism) to the point that the Tea Party is a full-fledged, grass-roots political force, with momentum aplenty against not only you but also your progressive Democrat puppet Congress.

So, on behalf of Tea Partiers everywhere: Thanks, Mr. President. Now go the eff away.


I say WTF Obama? You are spending our great nation into bankruptcy and taxes are going to increase dramatically in the next few years and you want a thank you? I don't think so. . . . .

It is not just federal taxes we have to worry about going up. . . . .They are going to try to pass a VAT tax which is a hidden tax imposed in everything you buy like a National Sales Tax, plus the cap and trade bill which will increase the price of all energy that we use. . . .We are sooooo "F'd"