Monday, April 19, 2010

Lord Monckton Offers a Deal. . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Global warming debunker Lord Christopher Monckton says if we resubmit to British rule and accept the tea tax, he'll take away ObamaCare. If only. It's shaming to think of the risks and hardships our Founding Fathers faced to throw off chains that weren't even worth mentioning compared to the tyranny we willingly endure now. If it weren't for the Tea Parties, you could almost believe our liberal rulers were succeeding in their campaign to reduce us to something between serfs and farm animals by offering everyone something for nothing at everyone else's expense.

Here's Lord Monckton at the Tax Day Tea Party in DC:


One blogger wrote:

Ya gotta love 'em. He's hated on three continents: North America, Europe, Aus-zealand. Why? Because he calls "Bullshit" when he sees it!

Go get 'em!


The British are coming. . . .The British are coming. . . .but this time they are coming to speak up to try to save our great nation. They see what socialism has done to their own country and they don't want to see it happen to their friends across the pond.
