Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are YOU Angry Yet? ? ? ?

According to robocop at

Are YOU Angry Yet??

Well, you should be ANGRY!!! You have had the experience and “privilege” to “Spread the Wealth Around” in order to satisfy the needs and wishes of King Hussein Hope-n-Change. Besides, you should realize by now that you not only owe your taxes to the bloated spend and waste it Guvment, you owe it to the deadbeat shiftless nontaxpaying bums who lay around waiting for their next handout. According to your new “benevolent” dictator you owe it because you have been a greedy bastard and taken more than your fair share while you have worked your ass off to provide for yourself and those family members you may be responsible for. Have you no shame? With half the people in this country paying NO taxes you need to work harder to support those who refuse to carry any of the load.

It makes me ANGRY!!!

And, something else that makes me ANGRY!!!

Arif Alikhan, “a devout muslim”, the son of Pakistani immigrants, is Assistant Secretary for Policy Development in the United States Department of Homeland Security. WHY??

Kareem Shora, “a devout muslim”, who was born in Damascus, Syria, is a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) in Washington, DC. WHY??

Why are “devout muslims” being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Was it not men who were “devout muslims” who flew those airplanes into United States buildings in New York City and Washington, DC, and into a field in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001? Was it not a crack-pot, sick, and twisted “devout muslim” Army major at Fort Hood in Texas who decided to do Allah’s bidding and kill his fellow soldiers?

Just what in the hell are Janet “Nappy” Napolitano and King Hussein Hope-n-Change thinking?

Someone please help me to understand … WHY???

My brother AWD is away from the shop attending Partys. So, I decided to sneak in while he is away and not watching the dungeon. There is also an unconfirmed rumor that AWD will be traveling to a small communist island nation not far from Florida to check to see if it is true that their primitive communist government provided health care services system is actually better than the new Nobama health care plan that was recently shoved down our throat by the current marxist regime who have invaded DC. Maybe he will return with a boat load of hand-rolled ceegars from “Cuber” (JFK).

Alright … while the Big Dawg is away let’s discuss what it is that just really makes us ANGRY!! I bet you have something that really just pisses you off … (please pardon the francais).

Have at it … but, play nice. There are trolls lurking in the sewer!


The enemy within will be the downfall of our great nation. . . .
