Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rationing i.e., "Death Panels" Have Arrived in America ! ! ! !

Obama’s Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels


One blogger wrote:

DEATH PANELS! Nazi democraps and their totalitarian health scam reducing people to dollars and cents!



by Dick Morris (August 2009)

. . . .In assessing whether to allow certain treatments to a given patient, medical professionals will be encouraged to apply the Quality-Adjusted Remaining Years system. Under QARY, decision-makers seek to “amortize” the cost of treatment over the remaining “quality years of life” likely for that patient.

Imagine a hip replacement costing $100,000 and the 75-year-old who needs it, a diabetic with a heart condition deemed to have just three “quality” years left. That works out to $33,333 a year — too steep! Surgery disallowed! (Unless of course, the patient has political connections . . . )

Younger, healthier patients would still get the surgery, of course. The QARY system simply aims to deny health care to the oldest and most infirm, “scientifically” condemning them to infirmity, pain and earlier death than would otherwise be their fate.


Back in August 2009 I posted an article concerning the QALY or as Dick Morris calls it QARY - Quality-Adjusted Remaining Years. Looks like the truth is finally surfacing concerning "Death Panels".

QALY - Quality-Adjusted Life Year - it's an acronym you are going to learn to hate in the coming years since Obamacare has passed. . . .It is a code word for extreme "rationing". Costly medical treatment will only be given to you when your life expectancy and usefulness exceeds the cost of the treatment.

Would you have ever imagined that your life would boil down to being just a formula in a calculation set by the government?
