Friday, August 14, 2009

Things Aren't Always What They Seem. . . .

OMG. . . .Did you hear the story about Janet Schulte a Florida lady that put an ad on Craigslist for her "baby sitting" services?

A man answered her ad and said his "40-something, disabled brother needed a caregiver who could bottle-feed him and change his diapers." The mysterious brother said "that a car accident left his brother with physical disabilities, including weak arms, poor bladder control and the mental capacity of a 5-year-old."

She agreed to provide his care, and by some miracle this disabled brother was able to walk himself to her house everyday for three months "I took care of him just like I would my kids," she said. "I rubbed his head when he was falling asleep. I waited on him hand and foot." He spent his days at her house watching cartoons and playing video games."

When the fraud was finally exposed she discovered he didn't have the disabilities he claimed to have. Evidently, he was just some freak with an "adult baby" or "diaper-lover" fetish. She said "The guy played such a good role," whether pretending to be the brother or the man who hired her.

She wanted to press charges against him for fraud, but "investigators and prosecutors have refused to pursue charges, saying Schulte was paid ($600.00 per week) and she agreed to provide the care."


This story gives new meaning to the Pampers "Pull-Ups" song. . . ."I'm a big kid now!"

I guess she should consider herself lucky in these tough economic times. Hey Janie, desperate times calls for desperate measures. . . .when unemployment runs out. . . . maybe we ought to checkout "baby sitting" services on Craigslist  :)  :)