Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is She For Real or Was it Memorex????

Did you see last week when the "fake" Doctor got up at Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's (D-TX) Town Hall meeting and gave her fake "professional" opinion concerning Obamacare?

According to Well now comes news that the pro-Obamacare voices in the crowd were not entirely legitimate. A primary care physician identified as Dr. Roxana Meyer stood up and praised the President’s health care plan for overhauling a broken system. Meyer said: “I don’t know what there is in the bill that creates such panic.” The Congresswoman asked the crowd to give her a round of applause for being a doctor, hugged her and then asked “How long have you been practicing?” to which “Dr.” Meyer answered “Four years,” which was followed by more applause and a gushing grin on the face of “Dr.” Meyer. The problem? Roxana Meyer is not a doctor, but rather an Obama campaign delegate.

In responding to inquiries, Roxana Meyer says she possessed “spontaneity” in her deception and she thought it would “help her credibility.” Yes, she gave all Obamacare supporters loads of credibility today. We hope that the President’s chorus will denounce her actions as loudly as they have protested regular parents, citizens, students who have driven themselves to their representative’s townhalls to ask serious questions about the “reform” of one sixth of the U.S. economy.


It's a sad day in Texas when the Democrats have to resort to planting a "fake" Doctor at a Town Hall meeting to find one that supports Obamacare. . . .

In fact, they're gonna need to plant some Jack-in-the-Beanstalk Magic Beans to find enough "real" Doctors that supports Obamacare in its current form. . . .