Thursday, August 13, 2009

Doctors Amputate for Profit?

At a Townhall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on August 11, 2009, I'm sure President Obama angered a few doctors when he said the following:

According to the  Obama said that doctors who only treat patients in a way to help them make good choices don’t get paid much because of a fee schedule that is out there. What he didn’t go on to explain is that the fee schedule is largely set by the government. The schedule isn’t just “out there,” the government sets the fee schedule for what doctors will get paid by medicare and other government medical programs. Then private insurance companies must react to the extremely low pay set up by medicare and must raise prices on private individuals to make up for the loss that the government causes.

Obama goes on to say that for something like diabetes, having doctors altering patients diets and guiding them to make the right decisions and “monitoring” whether they are taking their medications, the fee schedule pays so low that that doctors can (and would) instead amputate a foot and get thirty thousand dollars. Obama also said something similar a few weeks back about doctors taking out tonsils for money in the same way. If doctors were taking out more tonsils than necessary it might have had more to do with the fear of being sued for not taking out tonsils if there was the slightest indication that maybe they should be taken out.


I guess according to President Obama the Doctor's Hippocratic Oath "Above all, Do no harm" actually means. . . . unless you want to make a big profit.

Obama opened mouth inserted "amputated" foot. . . .

Watch the youtube video. . . .