Sunday, August 09, 2009

American "Mob" vs Obamacare

The Democrats have an ad out this week bashing patriotic Americans who are exercising their "Right to Free Speech" and going to their local townhall meetings and protesting against Obamacare.

The Democrats ad ends with the quote:

. . . ."Tell them you've had enough of the MOB"

In Dallas this week, white haired Texans attended a townhall meeting to show their opposition to Obamacare to the very Liberal AARP. The spokeswoman for the AARP was so condescending to these "mob" people when they expressed their views she decided to cut the meeting short. Way to go grannies and papas. . . .

According to  Physicians jammed a town hall meeting in The Woodlands in Houston on Thursday, expressing fears about the cost and effectiveness of a health care reform bill.

U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands, hosted the meeting attended by about 90 physicians at Memorial Hermann Hospital-The Woodlands.

“The bottom line is that doctors don't want socialized medicine — another flawed health care system like Medicare. They don't believe it will lower the costs or improve quality,” Brady said. “Medicare is already going bankrupt and not quality care. It also shifts medical costs onto other paying customers. It needs to be fixed first.”

A black conservative, Kenneth Gladney, was attacked by Union Members outside of a townhall meeting in St. Louis for passing out "DON'T TREAD ON ME" flags. Makes you wonder why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are not standing up for this black man's rights.

Obama's deputy chief of staff Jim Messina, stated in a meeting with democrats facing the right-wing "mobs" during their August townhall meetings. . . . .“If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard”

The democrats want to silence the "mobs" of hard working Americans who oppose Obamacare, but President Obama's Department of Justice "did not punch back hard" to the Black Panthers that were carrying nightsticks and intimidating voters at polling places in Philly this past November. They have been cleared and not even indicted.

Here's the youtube videos: