Why are the Democrats putting on the big "Dog and Pony" show over Obamacare? Cap and Trade? Immigration Reform? Trillion Dollar Stimulus Packages? Etc., Etc. . . .
Why are they wasting their summer break doing Town Hall Meetings, and then degrading ordinary American citizens who express any opposition to Obamacare as: "Obstructionist" "Angry White Voters" "Mobs" "Astroturf" (fake grass-roots) organizations?
Why didn't they just cancel their recess. . . .call a special session and vote in Obamacare?
The Democrats control the House, the Senate and the White House. . . .They have a filibuster proof Senate, and you know President Obama would sign anything they put on his desk.
They have the POWER to make our country look like "Socialist" Karl Marx* on steroids.
Do you think the Republicans are stopping them. . . Hell NO ! ! ! !
Who do you think is stopping them from passing any ole "Socialist" agenda they want to?
The American People
(The same American People that will be going to the polls in 2010 / 2012 and voting these jackasses I mean, donkeys out of office)
(The same American People that will be going to the polls in 2010 / 2012 and voting these jackasses I mean, donkeys out of office)
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.". . . .President Gerald Ford
Here's what U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Athens said about Obamacare: "This is a stinking, rotten fish, and they don't want you to smell it, and they want to shove it down your throat and make you eat it before you smell how rotten and stinky it is"
Great Maha Rushie Quotes:
"I am proud of you people going to these town halls; I am swelling with pride watching you in action. This is American civic activism at its best."
"It's not the participants at these town halls that are causing the problems. It's the lying members of Congress who don't have the answers.”
"Why are Obama's approval numbers caving? Well, he closed Club Gitmo, but it's open. He got us out of Iraq, but we're still there. He stimulated the economy, but nearly 600,000 more people lost their jobs today."
"Why are Obama's approval numbers caving? Well, he closed Club Gitmo, but it's open. He got us out of Iraq, but we're still there. He stimulated the economy, but nearly 600,000 more people lost their jobs today."
According to Wikipedia.com: "Dog and Pony" show - The term has come to mean any type of presentation or display that is somewhat pathetically contrived or overly intricate, or put on for purposes of gaining approval for a program, policy, etc.
*Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the terms "socialism" and "communism" interchangeably, and posited (suppose) that it would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian (inferior) revolution. Vladimir Lenin, perhaps influenced by Marx's ideas of "lower" and "upper" stages of socialism, later used the word "socialism" as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism.