Monday, August 03, 2009

Cash for Clunkers. . . .

You have got to ask yourself: "Why is $3 billion dollars of your hard earned tax dollars being used to buy thousands of Americans new cars in the "Cash for Clunkers" program?" A total of $1 billion dollars was used in the first four days, and now congress has pumped another $2 billion dollars into the program as of last Friday.

Why didn't they just offer American's $4500.00 to go towards something they need in these tough economic times? We could have used the extra cash to go towards a new car, pay our mortgage, buy a new refrigerator, repair your clunker, etc.

Since all the "Clunker Cars" get scrapped, this program will cripple the "Used Car" and "Scrap Yard" businesses in America. Where are you going to get cheap replacement parts? What about the people that can only afford a "clunker" type vehicle?

Most of the scrapped "Clunker Cars" are being loaded onto freighters and sent to China. When did scrap metal come back to bite America?

Oh yeah. . . .back in the 1930's America sent scrap metal to Japan. . . .how did they repay us?

Pearl Harbor

According to - A large amount of the weapons used against the Americans by Japan were made from their scrap metal to top it off. . . .Japan lead a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941, because President Roosevelt decided to no longer trade with Japan. Japan would no longer get scrap metal and oil they needed for their war activities

What crisis is President Obama's Administration creating with this "Cash for Clunker" program? Is destroying these still drivable vehicles to prop up the New Government run "GM Motors"?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, tried these same create-a-crisis tactics in the 1930's according to When "Cotton prices he deemed too low. He created a nonexistent shortage. He destroyed 10 million acres of cotton." When "Pork prices were deemed too low, he slaughtered six million baby pigs in the great baby pig Holocaust of 1933. No bacon for anybody who might have been starving in the Great Depression."