Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It's All About Hating the Joos. . . .

According to MaryHunter at

Why such a disproportionate international outcry over this relatively minor kerfuffle off the shores of Gaza? Victor Davis Hanson ponders. The answer seems obvious, but not if you look at true hot spots of human rights violations worldwide.

It is not about "occupied land," given the millions of square miles worldwide that are presently occupied, from Georgia to Cyprus to Tibet. It is not a divided capital -- Nicosia is walled off. It is not an overreaction in the use of force per se -- the Russians flattened Grozny and killed tens of thousands while the world snoozed. And it cannot be the scale of violence, given what we see hourly in Pakistan, Darfur, and the Congo. And, given the Armenian, Greek, and Kurdish histories (and reactions to them), the currently outraged Turkish government is surely not a credible referent on the topic of disproportionate violence.

What ever could it be? Sheer numbers: 350 million Arab Muslims vs. 7 million Israeli Jews? Fear of terrorist retribution from the Muslim world? Is it the fact that the current U.S. administration regime has clearly diverted from its historical role as true blue Israeli ally to the end? Or is it just pure unadulterated anti-Semitism?

At this point, it doesn't much matter -- as this latest hysterical reaction reminds us, much of the world not only sides with Israel's enemies but sides with them to such a degree as to suggest that, in any existential moment to come, the world either will be indifferent or will be on the side of Israeli's enemies.

Its encouraging, isn't it, how so very far we've all come since 1945.


If the Arabs laid down their arms there would be no more war. If the Israelis laid down their arms there would be no more Israel. ~ Author Unknown


Every nation including America is condemning Israel for defending her homeland. . .There wasn't this much outcry when North Korea sunk a South Korean ship and killed 46 back in March?

Maybe it is all about hating the Joos. . . .