Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Is Obamacare Doomed or is America?

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

TORONTO (Reuters) – Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada's provinces are taking tough measures to curb healthcare costs, a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system. . . . .


Guess What Greece Has To Jettison?  Greece was told that if it wanted a bailout, it needed to consider privatizing its government health care system. So tell us again why the U.S. is following Europe's welfare state model.

The requirement, part of a deal arranged by the IMF, the European Union and the European Central bank, is a tacit admission that national health care programs are UNSUSTAINABLE. 


Doesn't it seem quite odd that nations all around the world are being forced to privatize their healthcare and America just rushed through Obamacare using the Canadian and European models.

Will America have to go bankrupt before Washington realizes its mistake?
