Tuesday, June 08, 2010


(Long article but worth the read)

According to angrywhitedude.com:

The massive influx of illegal aliens over the past decade is changing America. Especially in large city school districts. Today’s Dallas Morning News ran a report about “black flight” from the Dallas Independent School District namely because of the growth of Hispanic students over the past few years. Many black parents simply don’t want their children going to school with poor Hispanics, many of whom are illegal aliens…excuse me, undocumented students. The article reports:

Today, about 41,000 black students attend DISD schools. They make up 26 percent of the district compared with 106,000 Hispanic children, or 68 percent. White students are 5 percent of the district.

The number of black children attending DISD schools has reached its lowest point since 1965. The movement mirrors, on a smaller scale, massive white flight from the district in the 1970s.

Black students formed a majority in Dallas schools through the 1980s and ’90s. Over the last 10 years, though, the number of black children has fallen by nearly 20,000, or about a third. Meanwhile, Hispanic children have filled their seats as the district’s overall enrollment remains fairly flat at about 157,000.

Isn’t it interesting that blacks parents are doing exactly what they criticized whites for doing in the 70’s when forced integration destroyed the school systems across the country. White flight was, of course, racist. Blacks running from Hispanics is a desire for a better education for their children. A black grandparent whose granddaughter attends a Charter school said:

“I don’t want my grandkid in that environment where the teachers don’t teach and the kids wear saggy pants. You don’t see that at the charter school.”

Exactly! So maybe now blacks can understand why whites moved in droves to the suburbs and refused to let their children attend large city public schools. How would anyone like their white child to be one of the 5% in the Dallas Public Schools? They have a name for those white kids in the DISD…..victims! The reasons listed by black parents for leaving DISD were:

•The perception (that is correct) that Dallas ISD schools offer an inferior education compared with suburban schools, and that the school system is too big and impersonal.

•As Dallas ISD educates a growing number of Hispanic students, many of whom are poor and learning English, some black parents say the district no longer focuses on their children. (teaches less Malcolm X, more Cesar Chavez)

•The desire of middle-class blacks to live in bigger, newer, more comfortable homes in the suburbs, away from big-city crime and congestion.

•A growing number of charter schools, which are public schools run by private groups.

•Many of Dallas’ traditionally black neighborhoods are aging, and young Hispanic families are moving in to replace them and having children.

Blacks are now reaping what they have sewn. While they were the focus of the politically correct educational system and politicians, they had no problem with their children disrupting classes and lowering the quality of the white schools they were bused into. It was racism for whites to complain or move to the suburbs. Now blacks see that they are no longer the concern. School systems, run by Democrat unions, see Hispanics as the meal ticket in the future. Subsidies, school lunch programs, ESL, and at the end of the amnesty road…millions of votes for Democrats!

This is a perfect example why blacks should be against illegal immigration. Hispanics don’t like blacks and vice versa. They are both very racist communities. When they work together against whitey, blacks and Hispanics have a serendipitous relationship. But the fact remains that Hispanics are beginning to muscle out blacks in welfare, social programs and attention from politicians. Plus, most illegal alien females drop a new US citizen ever 9 months and 1 day so their population will continue to swell.

So how’s that diversity working out for you black America? It’s working out pretty well for illegal aliens! The percentage of DISD students labeled “economically disadvantaged,” meaning they qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, has increased from 73 percent in 2000 to 87 percent this year. Here’s something you may not realize…but you probably do if you’re a dude or dudette….there are no free lunches! Taxpayers pay for those “free lunches” for little Juan and Maria, who shouldn’t be here in the first place.

I have called for the total destruction of the Department of (non) Education. It is a scam and a money pit. Anything our federal government touches turns to dog sh*t. School superintendents and administrators are a corrupt as politicians. There is little wonder why American children are falling behind the rest of the world in education. It is because of the corrupt people running the corrupt education system.

I don’t blame black parents for choosing to move to get a better education for their children. But they should teach their children that the schools in the suburbs are not like the Dallas schools. They actually teach and the students learn. So look for more black students at your kid’s school next year. Just remind them to pull up their pants!


Oh how I remember when DISD integrated the schools back in the 70's. There were riots and all kind of chaos. You'd be walking down the hall and all of a sudden all hell would break loose. What a difference 30 years makes. . . .We were considered racist and now that the shoe is on the other foot "Blacks running from Hispanics is a desire for a better education for their children".

In Mesquite, TX where my kids went to school they have started busing kids in from surrounding low-income areas and the schools are becoming like war zones. The sad thing is if you already have moved to the suburbs where can you go now?