Monday, January 04, 2010

Terrorist Turncoat Killed CIA Agents. . . .

According to (yes, I felt dirty looking at a msnbc website) :) :)

The suicide bombing on a CIA base in Afghanistan last week was carried out by a Jordanian doctor who was an al-Qaida double-agent.


It's pretty scary when our CIA agents don't know they have a double-agent in their midst. Another thing I want to know is. . . .Why do we even know about this? . . . .This is a top-secret organization and its all over the news. . . .Now the terrorist know that they have been able to infiltrate our most secret of agencies. . . .

Even President Obama said concerning the CIA Agents Killed in Afghanistan:

The United States would not be able to maintain the freedom and security that we cherish without decades of service from the dedicated men and women of the CIA. You have helped us understand the world as it is, and taken great risks to protect our country. You have served in the shadows, and your sacrifices have sometimes been unknown to your fellow citizens, your friends, and even your families.

Well now their fellow citizens, their friends, their families and the terrorist know they have killed American CIA agents. Don't you know the muslim terrorist were jumping with joy. . . . .

See what destruction can be caused when you have a double-agent among you. . . .What will our Great Country look like after four years with known socialist and communist infiltating our White House?


According to Erik Erickson at

People tell me the President's rush to acknowledge the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan and mourn the deaths openly, publicly, and via press release is a huge no no. The CIA and greater intelligence community would prefer not to have the attention put on them. Additionally, because the President took the time to draft a blanket statement focused on the CIA in general instead of individually and more privately focusing on the families of the victims, it acknowledges the CIA's work in Afghanistan, acknowledges that the attack has an impact on the CIA, and gives the terrorists a new recruiting tool - "you too can cause America to publicly mourn the loss of their spies."

To you and me this may not seem like a big deal. But I'm told this is hugely significant and shows just how out of touch the Obama administration is with the intelligence community. I'm told that no other President has issued such blanket statements of public mourning directed toward an attack on the CIA and thereby having the White House itself confirming an attack on our intelligence community.

The intelligence community is licking its wounds right now and Obama's rush to confirm for the world that the community suffered such wounds has the intelligence community simmering tonight and Al Qaeda preparing a PR blitz with what they view as good news. . . .

. . . .You can't fault the impulse of the president but you can fault the execution. I also have heard from two friends now retired from the intel community who tell me that many in the CIA are in an uproar over this statement by the president. Letting the enemy know how badly you've been hurt is stupid and I agree with Eric it shows a clear lack of sophistication from Obama.


To read the full article go to: