Friday, January 15, 2010

Redistribute The Health Care. . . .

According to

The truth has slipped out on this program and on many others. When we have these nattering nabobs on the left call here and complain that there are this number of millions of people uninsured, we always say, "It doesn't matter, everybody gets treated in this country, especially if you go to the emergency room. Everybody gets treated." Technically nobody doesn't have health care coverage in this country, technically. And now the truth has slipped out. New York congressman Anthony Weiner. . . .

WEINER: Frankly, every single day when people go into a hospital emergency room, you know, there's some questions asked, "Let me see your insurance card," but at the end of the day we care for them. So we really don't have a discussion in this country about whether or not we're going to have health care for everyone. We really do. The only question that we're having now, it seems almost silly it's so petty, is how are we going to distribute that health care.

RUSH: How are we going to distribute -- thank you, Congressman Weiner, the truth is out, everybody gets treated. The question that he was asked was a softball setup. The question, "With the health care system in the condition that it's in now," meaning it's horrible, "and if we had a natural disaster here, oh, my God, what would happen with health care in this country?" And Weiner just shot down the question, "Oh, everybody gets treated here. That's not the problem. What we have to do is redistribute the health care."
Maha Rushie quotes of the day:
"If only the Obama administration would go after terrorists with the same zeal that they are pursuing evil capitalists."
"The unions were always going to be exempted from the Cadillac tax plans. They are the major contributors to the Democrat National Committee and to Obama. They are the foot soldiers."

"The Amish will be totally exempted on religious grounds from any of the new health care mandates. That religion may grow in tremendous numbers."

I just don't understand these looney Liberals. . . .They want to redistribute our wealth, our health care and control every aspect of our lives.
I want to move up on the economic ladder not bring everyone down to my current dire situation, but they don't think this way. It won't be long and we will only have a two class system in America. . . .The middle class is disappearing more every day.
Who is suffering the most in this current economic situation?  The middle class. . . .The "rich" have enough money to wait out this recession and the "poor" still have their government checks coming in. The democrats want to dominate and reign over us, so that we too become dependent on the government. This is Socialism 101.
Which class do you think everyone that is making these disastrous decisions to destroy our great nation will be in?