Friday, January 15, 2010

Oprah "the Socialist" Wannabe?

According to in October, 2009:

Today I happened to catch the first part of the Oprah Winfrey Show. No, I did not choose to watch Oprah, it was on in the same room as myself. Anyway, Oprah hosted a show on various countries and Denmark was one of those countries, specifically Copenhagen. She must have filmed it while she was there to promote the Olympics. She did mention that things did not go well in the case of the Olympics. I laughed out loud.

The main focus was that Denmark is considered by researchers to have the most happy population on earth. The idea seems to be that the people are taken care of by the government, so they have nothing to worry about. Oprah interviewed a woman who explained that if she loses her job, the government will help her find a new one and pay her up to four years of unemployment insurance (at 90% of her previous salary). University education is not only provided for free, but students are paid to attend school. People pick their occupations based on interest rather than the amount of money they will earn because everybody earns equal pay. Healthcare is free as well. The woman gave a tour of her home that was cramped. Three children share one room. Marriage is no big deal in Denmark and so there is no pressure there. Several Danish women told Oprah that they do not believe in any Higher Power and that most Danes have the same lack of belief. (Yes, they do believe in a higher power. . . .Their Government. . . .It supply's all their needs)

As a freedom-loving American, i found myself wondering how anyone could be happy under a socialistic rule like this where everyone is treated as an equal even when equal effort is not given. How can one be happy when they have no way to measure success? How can one be happy when they are not rewarded according to effort? The Danish women maintained that they lived under a Democracy and not socialism. I clear example of how wonderful their free education has been. It is not until halfway through the interview that the woman being interviewed admits that taxes are 50%. Some free healthcare and education, eh? This is the way all of these countries work. They claim to get services for free even though they are paying immense taxes. The Danish woman claimed that she did not mind the 50% in taxes. I certainly would not be happy paying half of my hard earned money to the government.

I would be interested in knowing who exactly are the researchers that came up with the result that the Danes are the most happy. I bet they were from Berkley or perhaps Columbia University. ( reported it and we know our media loves socialism)


According to

Denmark, with a mixed market capitalist economy and a large welfare state, ranks according to one measure, as having the world's highest level of income equality. (code word: Socialist - Redistribution of Wealth) Denmark has the best business climate in the world, according to the US business magazine Forbes. From 2006 to 2008, surveys ranked Denmark as "the happiest place in the world," based on standards of health, welfare, and education. (Yes, the government tells you where you can live, which schools you can go to and controls every aspect of your life. . . .They have No worries. . .They be very Happy). . . .

Oprah said 1/3 of the people ride bikes. . . .you know why? The government don't supply them with a car. . . .

Don't you just love their cradle to grave mentality. The government will always take care of you.

Wonder how much the Danish Government spends on their military? Oh. . . .they don't need a big military cause they know that America and our allies would come to their rescue in a crisis.

Germany's invasion of Denmark on 9 April 1940 – code named Operation Weserübung – met only two hours of military resistance before the Danish government surrendered. (That ought to make them sleep "happy" at night)

Because of energy taxes, Denmark has the highest household electricity prices in the world.

Socialist Hugo Chavez just devalued the Venezuelans currency in half. . . . so the poor people of Venezuela woke up one morning and everything they had was worth half of what it was when they went to sleep. . . . .How in the hell does anybody think this is okay. . . .

So Oprah. . . .I guess you would get a tingle up your leg if you woke up tomorrow morning and you were no longer a billionaire, but just a measley poor ole millionaire.


If you actually "help" the poor you are doing good works. If you ‘help’ the poor with someone else’s money you are a "Socialist".
