Friday, September 11, 2009


Congressman yells 'You Lie' at President Obama during his speech before Congress last night. The outburst from Rep. Joe Wilson came directly after the president said, "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally." Later, Wilson apologized.


Well, I don't like anyone disrespecting a United States President like Rep. Joe Wilson did last night, but he knows the president was lying when he said that Obamacare would not apply to "Illegals". Even if the bill states that "Illegals" need not apply it can be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Today on Your World with Neil Cavuto, Judge Napolitano says the Constitution will require illegals be covered IF we cover everyone. President Obama should know this since he was in law school for 12 years and taught constitutional law.

California passed an initiative denying social benefits to Illegal aliens and it was ruled unconstitutional twice by the federal courts and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, so the lower court ruling stands.

Sooooo. . . .Congress can pass Obamacare to NOT include "illegal" aliens. . . .The President can sign it and then the Supreme Court can determine it is unconstitutional then the illegals would have to be included and the Democrats mission would still be accomplished. . . . sneaky. . . .sneaky

BTW. . . .If the Democrats pass the "Immigration Reform Bill" they want in 2010 the 20 million illegals in the US would become legal and walla walla bing bang they could all sign up for Obamacare anyway. . . .So maybe Obama wasn't lying after all . . . . .