Friday, September 11, 2009



I will never forget this day. . . .The minute I saw this happening I knew we would be going to war. I didn't know against whom, but I knew someone was going to pay for striking our homeland. I was laid off at that time, and I had just taken Jon-Jon to school so I rushed back to pick him up. I did not want to be home alone. My brother Walter came by my house and we both knew that his son, Walter Keith Goodwin, PFC, would soon be called into active duty, since he was in the National Guard. (He has since served in White Sands, NM and Afghanistan) We prayed for our Nation.

Remember that September 11th started out for everyone as a normal beautiful Tuesday morning. This is a day when people should stop and remember:
  • The passengers of American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 who didn’t have a clue that their planes would soon be heading to NYC and crashing into the World Trade Centers.
  • The hundreds of people stuck on the top floors of the World Trade Center's that were calling their families to say a final goodbye and then as the smoke, heat and flames surrounded them they jumped to their deaths.
  • The firemen and policemen that ran up the thousands of stairs to save as many as they could and became victims themselves, and remember the courage it takes to go towards disaster than away from it.  
  • Let's not forget the horror of the passengers of United Airlines flight 93 watching the terrorist slit the throat of the flight attendant with box cutters and then storming the cockpit, and the American heroes that made the decision to fight back to avoid the terrorist crashing their plane into more buildings. Their plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania 
  • Imagine the terror of the passengers on American Airlines Flight 77 after being hijacked; secretly calling loved one's and then learning the fate of the two other airliners that day that had crashed into the WTC. Their lives ended by crashing into the Pentagon.  
  • You cannot forget the thousands of American’s around the country that did not know the fate of their family and friends until weeks, sometimes months later. 
  • The volunteers from around the country that rushed to NYC to assist in searching for survivors and the visitors that flocked to the city to help rebuild their economy.
  • The United States Military that was placed on Delta alert, which is the highest level.
  • The Secret Service and everyone that kept President Bush safe, which maintained order on this horrific, chaotic day.
At least 2,993 people died on September 11, 2001. . . .May they continue to rest in peace.

Regarding President Bush “Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? And I tell you this morning that he’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this.”—LT. GENERAL WILLIAM G. BOYKIN

“The fanatics who killed some 3,000 of our fellow Americans may have thought they could attack us with impunity—because terrorists had done so previously. But if the killers of September 11th thought we had lost the will to defend our freedom, they did not know America...and they did not know George W. Bush. ”—DICK CHENEY, 2004 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION

In the 8 years since this horrible day, why does it seem that everyone wants to appease the Muslims? They can't be offended or scolded in any way. Books that have been made into Movies where the bad guys were Muslim Extremist have been changed to Nazi's or what not, just so it would not offend the Muslims. (The Sum of all Fears) (Angels and Demons). . . . .What's up with that?

This is America. . . . The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. . . .and if you don't like the United States of America. . . .Get the HELL out. . . .cause I guarantee you. . . . this Texas girl won't be wearing a burka anytime soon.