Monday, September 21, 2009

Are Bath-Time Photos Child Pornography?

Are bath-time photos innocent or child pornography? Well, if you have to ask then you must be a pervert. Now we are not talking about sexually explicit child pornography, we are talking about innocent pictures like your little kids taking a bubble bath. My gosh, I have pictures of my kids bathing and even Jon peeing off the porch as a toddler. Am I a pervert? This is example where the authorities overstep their boundaries and concentrate on complete BS instead of going after the true perverts.

According to the  Last fall A.J. and Lisa Demaree took a memory stick with family photos to the printing center at the Wal-Mart store in Peoria, Ariz. Some of the photos showed their three young girls, all under 5 years old, partially nude in the bathtub. The Demarees say these were innocent pictures that all families take. But a Wal-Mart employee felt otherwise and contacted the police who agreed that this was a child pornography situation.

The police report read, "The young girl appeared to be posed in a provocative manner." A report issued by Peoria authorities described the photos as "child erotica" and "sex exploitation."

Child Protective Services searched the Demaree home and took custody of the children for a month while the state investigated. They watched family videotapes and found a few in which the children were playing unclothed. Lisa was suspended from her school job for a year, and both of their names were placed on the sex offender registry. The couple spent $75,000 on legal bills.

The Demarees were eventually cleared of any charges and their daughters returned, but they are now suing the state and Wal-Mart for what they call unfair accusations.

This morning the Demarees appeared on "Good Morning America." "I don't' understand it at all," A.J. told "GMA." "Ninety-nine percent of the families in America have these exact same photos."

"It took us a long time to take a picture [again]," Lisa told "GMA." "I even worry about them in their bathing suits now, if I get a shot of them in their bathing suits and they're tilting their heads a certain way or their hips are sticking out a little bit, all I think of is 'Does someone think that it was posed? Or how is that going to be perceived?'"

"Honestly we've missed a year of our children's lives as far as our memories go," Lisa added, "As crazy as it may seem, what you may think are the most beautiful innocent pictures of your children may be seen as something completely different and completely perverted."


Can you imagine the nightmare that these parents have gone through?  They are damaged forever and I hope they win their lawsuit. I can guarantee you that 99% of the jurors have taken these type of innocent pictures of their own children, and will reward this couple for this outrageousness.

When will this insanity stop? When will the government quit intruding into our lives? They are taking children from innocent families, but continue to allow the true sick perverts to run our streets? Just look at the recent case in California where the 11 year old girl was held captive for 18 years by that monster and his wife, where were you to rescue her? You were wasting your limited resources on trival cases such as with this couple over a few innocent photos. . . .No one is saying that you shouldn't have investigated a complaint, but this issue should have been resolved in a matter of minutes not months.

Hey authorities, don't come after me, any pics of my children were taken 18 years ago and they are old enough to vouch that the pics are innocent and they haven't suffered any irreversible harm.

go to this website and you can see the innocent photo: