Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here's Rush explaining "Cap-and-Trade" or AKA the "Tax-and-Trade bill". . . .

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. Hey, could you please explain cap-and-trade in layman's terms?

RUSH: Yeah. F-r-a-u-d.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: It's all you need to know. Theoretically, here's how it works. You have two evil, polluting businesses. One of them is an automobile plant, and the other one is an oil refinery. Two of the most hated industries of the Drive-Bys and the liberals. The government will then arbitrarily, according to some science that they will assign somebody to figure out, they will allow a certain amount of pollution from each factory. Then, if one of the factories produces more than it is allowed, the over-polluting factory will be able to buy credits from another factory not polluting its share so that it will be allowed to over-pollute as long as somebody down the road is under-polluting.

CALLER: Oh, boy.

RUSH: And so the cap-and-trade basically is just a work -- the system's already in place called pollution credits, is what it used to be called. Now they're calling it cap-and-trade, and it also involves, if you over-pollute, go plant some trees, stupid things like this. It is in place in Europe. It is a scam. It is not working. It's not producing any money except for the people who came up with the idea, the Algores of the world. It will mean absolutely nothing, but it will destroy the coal industry, and Obama has promised it.


The Wall Street Journal says that "Cap-and-Trade" would be "the biggest tax in American history"?


One yahoo blogger stated: Cap-and-Trade will raise the costs on any users of electricity which is basically every person and business. It will result in jobs moving to countries that don't have cap and trade policies. Spain has cap and trade, and now has over 18% unemployment.

The winners will be big carbon credit traders like Goldman Sachs, Al Gore's Generation IM Climate Solution Fund, and big mega corporations which will buy up carbon credits and be able to expand, while smaller companies, and start ups, won't be able to grow and expand because they won't be able to afford it, or won't have access to the necessary carbon credits which will be monopolized by big corporations.


Here's my explanation of "Cap-and-Trade". . . .

This is a JOB KILLER not a JOB CREATOR. . . .

The rich will be able to "off set" their carbon use, but ordinary Americans will not be able to afford it. Al Gore and his buddies can still fly in their private jets and sail around in their yachts and to clear their conscience pay to "off set" their carbon use to companies to plant trees or some other bureaucratic bullshit.

This Congress is accomplishing what foreign enemies couldn't do and that is "Destroy our Country from Within"

read more about Cap-and-Trade at: