Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Capitalism vs.Socialism (The Debate Continues)

Just this morning, I was having a discussion with Brandee about how all the propaganda whores that are for Socialism sure like to benefit off of Capitalism. We were discussing Michael Moore, and how he likes to pimp his buddies Castro and Chavez in his movies and books.

Have you ever heard that he gives all his profits to the poor or back to the government? Does he and others like him “redistribute their own wealth”? This is exactly what would happen to their money under Socialism.

Capitalism is the reason that millions have risked their lives to escape Socialist and Communist Countries to reach America the “land of opportunity”.

Today on Facebook Glenn Beck posted: I really love it when people who despise Capitalism try to convince you to spend money on their products. (Imagine if Stalin pimped his line of t-shirts on Facebook?) For instance, Michael Moore recently said that “capitalism is evil,” but I bet he... sure wouldn’t mind if you spent some cash to go see his new propaganda piece, “Capitalism: A Love Story.”

Is Capitalism perfect? No, but it sure as heck beats any alternative system. Just like with the current Healthcare debate, some reform is needed to maintain a Capitalist system in America. Some reasons for the current economic collapse was corporate greed, CEO's making $150 million dollar bonuses knowing their companies were tanking, etc.

Tonight on the Jay Leno show - Michael Moore discussed his new movie, and this time he actually goes after both Republicans and Democrats. He made some valid points, but is this just another one of his propaganda films to push for Socialism in America? I will bet dollars to donuts it is.

“America is a land of opportunity and don't ever forget it.”~ Will Rogers

Capitalism says you are responsible for yourself, Socialism says we're all responsible for each other, Communism says government is responsible for you - author unknown