Saturday, September 05, 2009

Now I Am Seeing "Red". . . .

According to “China's national flag to go up at the White House on Sept 20 in a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC (People's Republic of China). . . .

WTF? I guess the current occupants of the White House, his appointees and advisors, see little difference between their own political beliefs and that of “Communist Red China”.

Will the slaughter of 60 million people under Communist Mao even be mentioned? What about the 50 million that went through Mao’s re-education through hard labor prison camps? What about the 1989 massacre of Chinese protesters in Tian'anmen Square? What about the human rights abuses (i.e. political prisoners, environmentalists, journalists, underground Christians) etc.

Are we finally surrendering to China? Should we just go ahead and hang out a white flag while we are at it?. . . .As the US “build down” - China "builds up" in manufacturing, technology and militarily, etc.

Does anyone remember why the "North" won the "Civil War"? “New York alone produced manufactures of a value four times greater than the total Southern output; the North had a virtual monopoly on heavy industries; coal, iron, woolens, armaments (weapons, arms), shipyards, machine shops - all were plentiful in the North and scarce in the South.”

America has allowed China to do the same thing. Are we repeating history again?

Would President Ronald Reagan who challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall” ever have allowed the Russian Flag in honor of “Stalin’s Soviet Russia” to fly at his White House?. . . .It NEVER would have happened. . . .

One Blogger wrote: "Oh Crap, Have the Chinese foreclosed on us already?"

According to “While the flags of many nations are flown at the White House when dignitaries of those countries visit, this seems to be the first time a foreign nation’s flag will be hoisted to celebrate that country’s founding, communist or not.”

Is it a coincidence that September 20th happens to be Obama's Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Van Jones' birthday? You know the self proclaimed "Communist" and "9/11 Conspiracist" that believes the US Government brought down the twin towers. . . .