Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lindsey Graham (D-R) wants Obama to Speed Amnesty for Illegals. . . .

According to Glenn Thrush at

President Barack Obama is summoning two key senators to the Oval Office on Thursday for an update on immigration reform efforts — but one of them, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), thinks Obama should be the one giving the update.

Graham, less than thrilled at the notion of providing the equivalent of a book report to the headmaster in chief, said Obama’s lack of direction on immigration reform is hampering Graham’s efforts to recruit additional Republicans to the cause.

“At the end of the day, the president needs to step it up a little bit,” Graham told POLITICO on Tuesday. “One line in the State of the Union is not going to do it.”

Hey you dumbass chica. . . .It's called War and America WON and Mexico Lost. . . .We got your land so STFU ! ! ! ! 

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