Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Icing on the Fakes. . . .

According to Van Helsing at

Global warming has struck again:

Thirty to 40 ships — including several passenger ships — were stuck Thursday in ice off the coast of Sweden, said a spokesman for the Maritime Search and Rescue Center in Gothenburg, Sweden. … The center identified one of the passenger ships as the Amorella, with 753 passengers and 190 crew members.

According to Tommy Gardebring, press officer with the Swedish Maritime Administration:

"It has been a lot colder than normal in the southern parts of the Baltic sea … the ice breakers that normally operate haven't been able to cope with the ice, which is why we are sending additional ice breakers."

To think that only last weekend, the esteemed scientist Al Gore was yelling about "the speed with which the Arctic ice cap is disappearing.". . . .


and today Spain was was hit by 20 Inches of Global Warming