Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Care Reform In Action! Arizona To Be Forced To Spend Almost $4 Billion It Doesn't Have. . . .

According to DrewM at

Like most states, Arizona is facing tremendous financial pressures. Unlike most states, they were prepared to do something about it by actually cutting back on services such as Medicaid.

Thanks to ObamaCare and the state's 3 House Democrats, not only won't they be allowed to do that, they will have to spend $3.8 billion between now and 2014 when (if) the federal subsidies kick in and another $8 billion after that between 2014-2021.

Seems in our new unitary government, states aren't allowed to decrease their current levels of Medicaid benefits, else they risk losing all their federal subsidies.

Entitlements live in a universe all their own...benefits and costs always go up, never down.


This is exactly why the CBO's numbers on Obamacare was under a TRILLION dollars. . . .The States have to pick up a big piece of the pie.

States are just beginning to realize the consequences of Obamacare. . . .This is why the Attorney Generals of 14 states have already filed a lawsuit due to the federal government overstepping its authority.

The main question: Does the federal government have the right to force states to participate in the program and make citizens purchase health insurance?

If the government can force us to purchase government run healthcare can they also force us to purchase a GM vehicle since GM is now owned by the government? Just wondering. . . .