Sunday, March 28, 2010

5-Year-Old Boy Left Stranded In A Tree By School Staff ! ! ! !

According to

From the UK Daily Mail

A boy of five was left stranded in a tree at school because of a bizarre health and safety policy – which banned teachers from helping him down.

The mischievous pupil climbed the 20ft tree at the end of morning break and refused to come down.

But instead of helping him, staff followed guidelines and retreated inside the school building to ‘observe from a distance’ so the child would not get ‘distracted and fall’.

The boy was only rescued after 45 minutes in the tree when passer-by Kim Barrett, 38, noticed the child and helped him down herself.

But instead of being thanked for her actions by the head teacher of the Manor School in Melksham, Wiltshire, she was reported to the police for trespassing.

B.S. Report–This is how lawyers have adversely affected society. A five-year-old boy is stuck in a tree yet the school staff leave him there because of some insane regulations that are obviously in place to protect the school and its teachers from a lawsuit.

So they leave the child up in a tree! If it was a cat that was stuck in the tree, they probably would have called the Fire Department to the rescue. And then they press trespassing charges against the only sane person in the story–the woman who rightly recognized that you don’t leave a child stuck in a tree!


Perfect example of when common sense goes out the window. . . . .