Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Tea Party Fireworks. . . .

According to abcnews.go.com:

The speaker, former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., told about 600 delegates in a Nashville, Tenn., ballroom that in the 2008 election, America "put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House ... Barack Hussein Obama."

Tancredo did not stop at the Democratic president -- ripping McCain, R-Ariz., the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, for shaping up to be a repeat of "Bush 1 and Bush 2."

"Thank God John McCain lost the election," he said, voicing his belief that McCain would have presided over big budgets and lacked a tough stand against immigration.


I agree with Tom Tancredo 100% about John McCain.

RINO's to me are some of the worst traitors to Democracy in America.

We expect the Democrats to be. . . .well, like Democrats, but when the RINO's support Democratic Socialist Programs they are traitors to not only the Republican Party, but also to the American people. Some RINO's even betrayed the Blue-Dog Democrats that were trying to hold back the passage of Obamacare.

If RINO's love the Democrats and their beliefs so much why don't they have the kahoonies to switch parties and stop the masquerade?

Let's not forget that John McCain's infamous McCain/Feingold bill was overturned by the Supreme Court recently. I'm hoping that JD Hayworth kicks John McCain's butt in the November elections, because McCain supports amenesty for illegals and most socialist programs.


"I got into a big, knock-down, drag-out fight on my trip with someone who said, 'we need to go get the independents, we need to get the moderates.' I said, 'that's how we lose! that's how we got McCain !" ~ Rush Limbaugh


RINO - Republican In Name Only
