Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another 9-11 Truther Revealed?

Truth movement: Candidate Medina fails to take a firm stand---or even make her position crystal clear--- on 911 Truthers. In a major failure to explain herself, she leaves Mr. Beck and his staff laughing as he brushes her off the phone line. Alex Jones, one of the supporters of candidate Medina, must be disappointed that Debra Medina---whom is normally a strong & vocal individual--- so weakly stood up against Mr. Beck on the 911 Truth issue. Maybe it's time for Mr. Jones to challenge Mr. Beck to a one-on-one debate.

Whether you believe that 911 was an inside job, don't believe, or remain undecided, a candidate should be able to articulate a clear position and not beat around the bush
According to
Ok, her politician answer was that she didn’t have enough proof to take a side on whether or not the government had anything to do with causing the twin towers to fall. Really? How in the hell do you not take a side on that issue? I mean, you are running for the governor of Texas, and you still don’t know whether or not Osama Bin Laden ordered the attack on the twin towers? You don’t have all of the evidence?
Beck is not necessarily a fan of Rick Perry, but after the interview Beck changes his mind a bit:
“Rick I think you and I could french kiss right now!”
This interview with Glenn Beck cooked the goose of  Debra Medina who is running against Governor Rick Perry and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson for Governor of Texas. Do you really think that Texans want a Governor that believes that 9-11 was an inside job. I don't think sooooooo. . . . .