Monday, February 15, 2010

Public Employee Pension Obligations Bankrupt States. . . .

RUSH: I was not making up these numbers. The source for this is This is actual data, these are actual numbers from the state of New Jersey where the newly elected governor has announced a budget freeze (and, of course, the Democrats are just stuck pigs).

"How's this for an investment?" As a public union state employee, "you pay a total of $124,000 into your pension plan," over your work life, "and, upon retiring at age 49, you receive $3.3 million in pension payments and $500,000 in health care benefits. You receive $3.8 million in total on a $124,000 investment. Or this: You pay a total of $62,000 towards a pension plan and absolutely nothing for health care (medical, dental and vision coverage) over your working career. Upon retirement, you are paid $1.4 million in pension and $215,000 in health care benefits. You receive $1.6 million on a $62,000 investment. These are real world examples from New Jersey's crushing public sector union retirement plans paid for by the state's taxpayers. Republican Governor Chris Christie is demanding drastic actions to prevent New Jersey from falling off the precipice and into full-fledged bankruptcy."

When I see stories like this, and I've always known the Democrats are inexorably tied to public employee unions and so forth, even I, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-feeling, all understanding Maha Rushie, was still shocked to learn just how deeply in bed the entire public employee union segment is with the Democrat Party and what it's really all about. I've never had any doubts about why unions unilaterally support Democrats. I just had no idea the extent to which they had been purchased. I mean, I had no idea that this kind of stuff actually happened. It is this kind of information, folks, that is going to trigger an uprising demanding elected officials rein in tax dollars propping up this kind of crap. I mean this is just unsupportable, it's unsustainable. And this is what the Democrats have done, and it's not just New Jersey, it's California, any number of places, and it's killing these states. There are seven states that are facing true financial hardships, and Florida is one of them, California is another, New Jersey is big.

They have these obligations that they're not going to be able to meet, especially with the unemployment numbers that exist in all of these states. And the stimulus money, this is what the stimulus money was for, was to keep this kind of thing going. That's why all these pictures of crumbling schools, they're still crumbling, all the unemployment keeps going up, the stimulus slush fund was supposed to have shovel-ready jobs, that's not what it is about, it was and is a flush fund and the majority of it's going to be spent this year on just this kind of stuff, making sure that these public employee unions in the states, teachers, whatever they are, don't get laid off and don't get fired or what have you. And it is breaking the bank. Now, this is the kind of stuff that ought to be in stump features for all Republicans running in 2010, as long as this exists. It's indefensible. This is tipping point kind of stuff.


Bernie Madoff is in prison for 150 years for his ponzi scheme. . . .Anytime you take out more than you put in, someone down the food chain loses, in this case it is the American taxpayer.