Friday, February 26, 2010

Cap and Trade: A Scheme by Which Companies Are Paid to Export Jobs. . . .

According to Gregory of Yardale at

EU Referendum has a story about how, thanks to the European Cap and Trade scheme, a multinational corporation is being paid billions to shut down a factory in Britain and move its production to India.

Under EU carbon trading rules, companies are paid for reducing the output of carbon dioxide. By shutting the plant down, the Tata Group that owns it will net a cool $2 Billion. Production will moved to a plant in India, that has far fewer pollution controls.

The 1,700 people at the steel mill will be out of work, but the environmental left doesn't care because none of them are so bourgeois as to work in a steel mill or any other kind of real job.

How the environment is any cleaner as a result of this is not clear, and beside the point. The Global Warming scare is not about making the Earth cleaner, it's about redistributing wealth, proven by this example.


Coming soon to America. . . . .
