Wednesday, October 14, 2009

RINO Traitors. . . .

RINO's = Republican's in Name Only

RINO's to me are some of the worst traitors to Democracy in America.

We expect the Democrats to be. . . .well, like Democrats, but when the RINO's support Democratic Socialist Programs they are traitors to not only the Republican Party, but also to the American people. These RINO's even betrayed the Blue-Dog Democrats that were trying to hold back the passage of Obamacare.

This week the RINO a**holes are Olympia Snow (R-ME) when she supported the Finance Committee's version of Obamacare, and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who signed onto the cap-and-tax bill to partner with John Kerry (D-MA)

And of course, the biggest RINO of all is. . . .John McCain (R-AZ)

The Democrats didn't need any Republicans to pass Obamacare. . . . they just wanted it to be bipartisan . The Democrats can now stick it to the American people any way they please, and we will all just have to bend over and take it.

If these RINO's love the Democrats and their beliefs so much why don't they have the kahoonies to switch parties and stop the masquerade?


According to David Karki: Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) has once again proven she is a Democrat by her flipping of sides on the most crucial bills. Thanks to her, we got a trillion dollars of Porkulus. And thanks to her, we’re now substantially closer to getting communist Obamacare.

Traitor - double-crosser: a person who says one thing and does another