Thursday, October 01, 2009

Praises for Obama. . . .

Listen to Senator Charlie Rangel's (D-NY) angelic praise of Barack Obama prior to the 2008 election:

Whose our hero? Barack Obama
Whose gonna lead us out of poverty? Barack Obama
Whose gonna save the United States of America? Barack Obama
Whose gonna save the entire World? Barack Obama
And who do we Love? Barack Obama

According to  Instead of adoring his own image, Obama loves to hear himself talk – about himself. In just 41 speeches so this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact. (That breaks down to 1,121 “I”s and just 77 “me”s.) And that just includes 34 weekly addresses and his seven major speeches. Count the hundreds of other public speeches and he’d be off the charts.

And if you needed any more confirmation, there was this past Sunday’s Obama-palooza on the network talking head shows. Obama pulled a presidential first, going back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back on five different networks. He hit “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on ABC, “Meet the Press” on NBC, “Face the Nation” on CBS, as well as interviews on both CNN and Univision.


Glenn Beck discusses this incredibly disturbing video shot at an elementary school in New Jersey where children are chanting praises to Obama.

 Creepy Barack Obama School Kids Indoctrination Song Video

Glenn Beck also ties in this propaganda sing-a-long session with the attempt to use the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to help procure taxpayer-funded propaganda art to further Barack Obama and his agenda.


When you hear a United States Senator praising the "one". . . Then why are we even surprised when these same liberals want to indoctrinate our children. . . .Wasn't this how the Hitler Youth were brainwashed?

I think they need to make this bobbles head about twice as big to match his ego :) :)
