Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The "ONE" Snubbed in Russia. . . . .UPDATE:

I received this in an email - author unknown:


Watch this 10-second video where a lineup of leading Russians refuse to shake his hand.

Did you see this on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC? No, I didn't think so.

This is "hard ball", Soviet Style. After the third handshake refusal, it becomes obvious. The facial expression is priceless.

"I guess we're no longer in Chicago ".

What do the leaders of other countries know that we are not being told?

And, how in the world did Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer miss this? If it had been Bush, think the media would cover it????

Anyone ever seen a Head of State snubbed like this? Speaks volumes.

It's gonna' be a rough ride, but the bloom is almost off the rose. . . . .author unknown

This is worst than not getting picked to play dodge ball in elementary school :) :)


Things are not always what they seem. . . . . .

**Obama and the Russians: The Snub that Wasn't

Was President Obama actually introducing his American delegation to the Russian President?  You decide. . . . .

