According to scaredmonkeys.com:
Talk about your double talk from the Obama Administration and a misguided effort at keeping America safe …
Guess what President Barack Hussein Obama, Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder … the individuals sneaking across the Mexican-US border are not just illegal Mexicans … THEY ARE TERRORISTS! But then again, there is no “war on terror” and these terrorists sneaking in to America are not motivated by radial Islam.
In one breathe Obama and his minions state that the new Arizona immigration law is misguided. Now the Feds are issuing a terror warning for the Texas-Mexico boarder.
The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico, a security expert who has seen the memo tells FOXNews.com.
The warning follows an indictment unsealed this month in Texas federal court that accuses a Somali man in Texas of running a “large-scale smuggling enterprise” responsible for bringing hundreds of Somalis from Brazil through South America and eventually across the Mexican border. Many of the illegal immigrants, who court records say were given fake IDs, are alleged to have ties to other now-defunct Somalian terror organizations that have merged with active organizations like Al Shabaab, al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami.
So at the same time that Janet Napoliano & the Home Land Security Agency are criticizing the new immigration law put in place in Arizona that could potentially catch terrorists as well as illegals, they now issue a terror warning stating that Somalian terrorists could be sneaking across the Mexican-US border. WHAT!!!
US immigration and national security are one issue. How the Obama Administration can be so derelict in their duties is beyond words.
You can’t have it both ways folks. Nice to see that Napolitano and DHS read the terror warning first.
This is just more evidence that all the illegals that come across our borders don't want to do the jobs Americans won't do. . . .Some want to kill. steal, and destroy our great nation. Washington still don't get it. . . .SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW ! ! ! !