How Would Libs' Beloved ChiComs Deal With Illegal Immigration?
According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
You've probably heard about Obama's representative Michael Posner apologizing to communist China for the human rights abuse committed by Arizona in passing SB 1070, a very mild attempt to enforce federal immigration law. It makes you wonder how the totalitarian thugs running China would deal with an invasion by millions of Mexicans. Their reaction to the swine flu outbreak last year offers a clue:
Following the discovery of [a Mexican with swine flu], authorities quarantined 70 Mexicans who arrived in China over the May 1 holiday weekend, most on different flights from the infected man. They include an official at Mexico's consulate in Guangzhou who was returning on a flight from Southeast Asia. Except for the initial case, none of the 70 has shown symptoms of the disease, says a spokesperson from the embassy. Now concerns are being raised that Mexicans are being isolated solely because of their nationality.
Mexico's Foreign Minister, Patricia Espinosa, called the treatment of the Mexicans in China discriminatory and said some of the quarantined travelers were being held in "unacceptable conditions." On May 3, Mexico's ambassador to China, Jorge Guajardo, attempted to visit 10 Mexicans who are in quarantine at Guomen Hotel in suburban Beijing, but he was denied access. As of Monday morning, he still hadn't been able to gain access to the group. Over the Mexican government's objections, China has decided to halt all AeroMexico flights coming into China.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu responded to Mexican complaints:
"China understands Mexico's concern for its citizens in China, but we hope Mexico could focus on the bigger picture of fighting against the epidemic … and deal with the issue in an objective and calm way."
If only moonbats could focus on the bigger picture of maintaining America's sovereignty, economy, social cohesion, and rule of law … and deal with the issue in an objective and calm way. But that isn't likely.
Prominent lib yapper Chris "Tingles" Matthews thinks our rulers should deal with the energy industry ChiCom style: by nationalizing it and executing executives. But I doubt he would advocate a ChiCom approach to illegal immigration.
One genius blogger wrote:
There really is no possibility of living in the same country as these liberal, guilt-ridden nitwits. Sooner or later either they or freedom-lovers will have to leave. We cannot co-exist.
WTF? Is there anyone else for Obama or this administration to bow or apologize to? Enough is ENOUGH ! ! ! !