According to Van Helsing at moonbattery.com:
Cassy Fiano comments on the *cough* Command in Chief's *cough* plans to spend Memorial Day vacationing among his old radical left pals in Chicago instead of laying a wreath in Arlington:
Memorial Day should be a pretty big priority for the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces. The wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery is not just some arbitrary meaningless tradition. It actually means something, and Obama is just blowing it off so that he can go hang out in Chicago. I understand the desire to go home for a little while, but when you're the president, Memorial Day ceases to be just another holiday where you get to take an extra day off for a weekend and have a barbecue. For him, he still has to work. It's part of his responsibility as president. Blowing off paying his respects to the fallen at Arlington National Cemetery — our country's most sacred shrine — on Memorial Day is inexcusable. It's despicable and he does not deserve the title of Commander-in-Chief if he has this little respect for the heroes who have given their lives for their country.
If he doesn't like it, he can always resign.
I'm curious how much golf he'll play while he's in Chicago.
The arrogance continues to appall. But at least we have the satisfaction of knowing it will lead to his downfall.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arlington National Cemetary:
"Here rests in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God."
One genius blogger wrote:
Why would Obama want to honor those who have defended us from communists, Marxists, socialists, and muslims? That’s who O’s best friends are.
Maybe it would be a bigger slap in the face of those who have fallen for the freedom of America if President Obama attended and laid the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. . . He seems to be AGAINST everything that America and our Military stands for. He has been doing everything but the job he was hired to do since his first day in office. He campaigns, golfs, parties, travels. . . .No wonder he’s not going to Arlington. No voters there.
These Unknown Soldiers deserve to be honored by someone who would show them respect, and not someone who:
1. Wouldn’t wear the American flag lapel pin.
2. Didn’t place his right hand over his heart during the Pledge.
3. Bows and Apologizes to the world for America’s short-comings.
4. Allows Socialists, Communists, and Marxists to advise him.
Let Obama go home to Chicago. . . .There have been over 160 homicides so far this year. . . .Maybe he will be more compassionate after spending a few days in the middle of a war zone.