Thursday, May 13, 2010

American Pride?

According to on 5-5-10:

Five students at a California high school were forced to leave school and then face disciplinary action yesterday for the crime of wearing clothing printed with American flag designs.

If you’re wondering how being patriotic could possibly merit punishment, it’s because the kids displayed the American flags on May 5. And as everyone knows, American flags are absolutely verboten on May 5.

Right? Doesn’t anybody remember that rule? Anybody? Bueller?


According to Gregory of Yardale at on 5-7-10:

In related news, Mexican students from Live Oak High School — the school that sent four students home for wearing patriotic T-shirts on Mexican Beerfest Day — today held their own protest.

About 200 Hispanic teens are marching in Morgan Hill yelling "We want respect!" and "Si se puede!" in reaction to a controversy ignited when the Live Oak High School principal effectively sent four students home for wearing T-shirts with American flags on them during Cinco de Mayo.

Mexican-American students felt the students were being disrespectful on the only day they celebrate their heritage while students sporting red, white and blue said it violated their First Amendment rights.

Begging the question, if Mexico's so freakin' wonderful, why do y'all demand the right to live in the United States!

How long before Sharpton shows up for this one?


One blogger wrote:

"Hundreds of Hispanic Students Leave School" FANTASTIC! A step in the right direction, now STAY GONE!! Either you are Mexican OR American, your loyalties should lie in the country you are SUCKING resources from! You have a problem with that? DON'T let the border hit you in the ass on your way out!


Houston Public Schools Don't Care Much for Patriotism Either

According to Gregory of Yardale at

An ROTC student at a Klein Collins High School near Houston Texas was offended that the school chose to fly a Mexican flag in a place of prominence ... and worse above the American Flag ... in honor of Mexican Beerfest Day. The school refused to take down or lower the flag, so the student did it himself. The school promptly suspended him.

The occupiers of our country do not like having their flag disrespected.

The school issued a very weasel-worded denial.

Neither the Klein Independent School District nor any of its campuses has displayed another country or state's flag in a manner that would dishonor or disrespect the American flag or the Texas state flag.

It's noncommittal on the suspension of the student, and it doesn't deny that a Mexican flag was displayed inside the school. They only deny that the display was dishonorable or disrespectful.

In fairness, the possibility that the version of the story told by the kid and the parents is at odds with what really happened remains. It's just hinky that the school's denial doesn't address the actual allegation, while denying several other things the story doesn't even allege.