The Dallas Anti-Illegal Immigration Rally yesterday was an outstanding way for Americans (both natural born and legal immigrants) to stand up to the massive crowd of illegals and pro-amnesty supporters. Our group was hundreds compared to their thousands, but the odds were against David when he went up against Goliath too.
America is a nation of immigrants and for most of our 234 years they have been welcomed upon our shores. In the beginning of our great Nation the blood that flowed through the immigrants veins was the excitement of building a better way of life for their families and pursuing the American dream. They were willing to sacrifice and adapt to their new homeland. Not true of the illegals that were in the massive crowd in downtown Dallas. . . .They do not want to be Americans. . . They do not want to learn our language or even obey our laws. They want to transform America into Mexico part II and we cannot let that happen.
The Dallas Police Dept were out in full force and because of their active presence we never felt threatened or that we were in any significant danger. I do appreciate the officer that personally escorted us to our car as an extra precaution.
Thank you Jeff Bolton and Chris Krok of KLIF radio for sponsoring this event and giving us the chance to voice our opposition to the influx of illegals that want to change the very foundation of our great nation. Our message to them. . . .No se puede (No you can't). . . .