Sunday, September 26, 2010

You’ll know when the recession is “really” over when. . . .

from WalletPop as posted on

While the news broke this week that the National Bureau of Economic Research proclaimed the recession ended in June 2009, it unleashed a guffaw that could be heard from coast-to-coast. Truth is, those guys really don’t have a clue. Sorry dudes, but we here at WalletPop are on the front lines of the recession and no offense to your lofty perches, but you really need to come down now.

You’ll know when the recession is “really” over when. . . .

1. When your boss actually replaces an employee who retires or quits instead of having you do all their work.

2. When your laid-off friends start getting hired at jobs with benefits.

3. When you don’t have to live with your parents anymore.

4. When it becomes financially feasible to get a divorce again.

5. When a vacation involves airplane travel and you sleep in a hotel bed, not your sister-in-law’s house.

6. When Starbucks isn’t full on a weekday afternoon.

7. When you no longer have a relationship with coupons.

8. When you can list your house for sale and reasonably expect it to sell within three months at a price higher than what you paid for it.

9. When trying to get a bargain becomes a sport instead of a necessity.

10. When you can afford a new car, your 401k has been restored, you’ve reset your emergency fund with 6 months of living expenses and the term “99ers” is erased from your memory.